Interesting interview which says mostly what Stewart's been saying in other interviews about Certifiable etc....however the last question (and I'll translate it directly) is :
RnF : And the future ? :
Stewart : Who knows...? We went into the studio, but nothing came of it. The Police works only when 80 000 people are are watching us . The only way for us to do an album would be to have all these people in the studio with us. Do you know of a Studio that's big enough ?
PS : I have translated this as closely as possible to the original language. Stewart confirms that they obviously did try something back in 2007, but I believe that the time wasn't right. They were under pressure to make sure that the songs they were rehearsing for Tourzilla would be perfect and weren't ready to record new stuff...and with the news arriving every day of another sold out show, that pressure must have dictated the decision to only concentrate on the old material. Andy also mentioned at the time that They were told not to release any new stuff because people were paying to see "what was written on the cookie jar" (to coin a stewart anology). I also believe that LiveNation said something like "Do the tour with the old songs first, then decide afterwards if you want to do something new"..because Live nation knew that a nostalgia tour with all old songs would sell MUCH better than a set of new songs.
Will (has) Sting call (ed) the boys to record a new album ?
I think he will...but it may not be the project we are dreaming of...I could see Sting offering something that would be a mixture of him Solo and him with Andy and Stewart..a sort of half arsed "full circle" album that would feature friends from his whole career...a couple of songs with Dom, some with Edin, a couple with The Police.
Would Andy and stewart accept this ? Who knows...
Yours speculating
George (and Happy new Year all u nutters !)