Oh yeah ... this is FANTASTIC. Waves and waves of STEWARTNESS, along with really, really excellent content.
I'm fortunate that for years we had a long-time jazz journalist, Dick Buckley, who had a 3-hour radio show on Sunday afternoons where he'd play all of this stuff. He was actually around in the 1930s and saw a lot of these guys play in Chicago --Gene Krupa, Eddie Condon, Coleman Hawkins, etc. -- "the good old good ones", as he used to call them. He's in his 90s now and, finally, retired a couple of years ago, but we used to listen to his show faithfully every week. So I've heard a bunch of the stuff played in this episode before, and I am grateful to Dick Buckley for my familiarity with this outstanding music.
But yeah, Stewart is TOTALLY BUSTED! Allergic to jazz, yeah, whatever. What a blowhard (she says, lovingly of course)
ETA: Eddie Condon, not Art Condon, d'oh!
... trained by the CIA to accept vast quantities of information at high speed in binary code