Hi everyone, newbie here!

Hi everyone, newbie here!

Postby Paolo on 10 Feb 2007 14:03

After lurking for a while around here and with all this hype going on about The Police together again, I finally felt like posting to say hi!
As most of the people here, I've been hoping and waiting for a reunion for a long time, and although I don't want to rise my expectations too high, I surely hope there'll be more than just the Grammy Awards show, and I'm looking forward to that press conference on monday. :)
For me it all started when I was six, in 1977, as my older brother made me listen Message in a bottle. I was immediately hooked :shock: . Specially Stewart's drumming was what captured me the most at the time. Unfortunately, I failed to convince my parents to buy me a drumkit, so after a few years I picked up bass, trying to learn my first steps on The Police's songs of course.
In all these years playing I've been through many musical influences, but The Police have always been in my heart, so... well, seeing what's happening in these days in places like this... it feels really good! :D

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Postby Captain Blood on 10 Feb 2007 14:29

Ahoy mate, welcome aboard.
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Postby olivier on 10 Feb 2007 18:48

"Message" was released in 1979....
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Postby Paolo on 10 Feb 2007 19:34

Oh! Okay, I was eight then! :) Sorry for the mistake. :oops:
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 10 Feb 2007 19:43

[quote="Paolo"]Oh! Okay, I was eight then! :) Sorry for the mistake. :oops:[/quote]
When your that young, there's not that much of a difference!

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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 10 Feb 2007 20:43

You know what's funny? I can clearly remember the first time I heard "De Do Do Do." I was ten years old, and sitting the back of my brother's Camaro. Wow.

I also clearly remember John Lennon's assassination that same year. It's funny, because ordinarily I have a mind like a steel sieve when it comes to that kind of thing. ;)

Welcome, Paolo! I've always liked that name...
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Postby Al on 10 Feb 2007 21:31


Postby Lady P on 10 Feb 2007 23:24

Welcome on board Paolo!
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Postby georgygirl on 11 Feb 2007 02:28

Welcome Paolo!

Enjoy this site and also this moment

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby jackie on 11 Feb 2007 02:53

Welcome Paolo, enjor the ride!
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Postby truth_hits_me on 11 Feb 2007 09:06

Ciao Paolo, benvenuto!

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Postby Paolo on 12 Feb 2007 13:28

Thanks for the warm welcome! :D

Divemistress, glad you like my name! :)

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Postby giovanni on 12 Feb 2007 13:52

Ciao Paolo..you are in the land of stewartcopeland.net....

ok ok all of the others...don't worry...there's only one big world on internet...one world is enough....these days I'm getting crazy checking the whole thing....be good to me!!!
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