by ceebab on 07 Feb 2007 22:20
I think it's reasonable to expect that one band member's fans won't get preferential treatment, yes.
As for "entitlement", if they hadn't done something for one relatively small group of fans only, the rest of us wouldn't be so ticked off.
All of us are hoping to get a shot at seeing them. Not knowing how many dates, what prices will be, etc. means we don't know if we will even get the opportunity to buy seats half a stadium away for $1000 each from a scalper. The panic is, what if the 60-80 dates is all wrong and they are only doing 20 dates? Supply is SO much less than demand in that scenario, there is a very real possibility that not all of us will get in.
Don't assume that because we are upset at this we aren't "real" fans of the band. If anything, quite the opposite.