Mrs. Gradenko, I have one on the inside of my right wrist. I painted a design with india ink and waited three years before I finally settled on the size and location of the tattoo and I don't regret it one bit. I can't even explain the design. It's two abstract angels facing each other kind of in a yin yang design and when you first look at it you can't tell what it is, so it's very conversational. I will find a picture of it and post it for you all to see. I would love to see everyone elses tattoos.
My advice to you is:
-Make it something original. Something NO one else has. If you have to design it yourself or have someone else design it.
-Print out your design in several different sizes and tape them to your body in all different locations before you make your final decision.
-My least favorite places for tattoo's on women are ankle, small of the back, neck, chest. ugh ugh ugh, but that's just personal preference.