Shortly after getting the Flag during the encore, Stewart was doing some really enthusiastic points. And I got so caught up in the enthusiasm that I fucking pointed back.
FUCK! I IMMEDIATELY felt like a total tool. [/quote]
[quote="luddite lady"][That's exactly what happened to me! Well, you have to replace Gina with smudge, but you get my meaning. And I felt the same way too. [/quote]
is it acceptable to quote yourself?:
quote="smax"] A Copeland eyebrow is raised. He slowly and deliberately points at ME. WE have eye contact. I don't know what to do. I point back. The moment's gone. The tune continues... I look at DM. She smiles knowingly. [/quote]
Three times is no accident. I would cautiously state to the bench that what we have here is a clear cut case of three individuals out of their fucking minds, their senses running for the exit, freely capitulating usual restraint and decorum resulting in, ahem, what i would clumsily term, erm, as a collision between 'squeeee' and 'a point-off'. I would respectfully request that the bench consider the early guilty pleas and the defendents' previous good character when coming to sentencing. I do not oppose the bail conditions, although the "no looking at your PC on the 24th" will kill EQ, couldn't he just have a curfew?"
<---A photo of me with Stewart pointing at a photo of Stewart pointing at me.