Part of me thinks I'd have enjoyed Bonnaroo more 15+ years ago - when I was more prepared to deal with hassle and lines, and when I hadn't had the experience of living in Washington, D.C. and now Nashville, both of which are just rife with great concert experiences that don't require exorbitant financial commitments and a willingness to endure any amount of personal indignity just to get a tiny glimpse of a musician.
I'm really trying not to play spoilsport. I know people are thrilled to death about the prospect of a Police reunion, but I do admit to being a tiny bit disappointed, because I strongly suspect they'll only play gigantic arenas where the experience will be more about the drunks on both sides and behind than about the music. If it's an outside festival, one might be surrounded by people saying "The Police - oh yeah, I remember that one song from grade school"; won't know their music at all, and won't appreciate the experience.
Which is why I'm really more excited about any new recordings they may do. Otherwise, honestly? I'd a lot rather have had a new Gizmo record this year, and Stewart talking about the new movie and maybe, someday writing a book. And maybe another bunch of essays and a new concert tour from Andy (he never did get closer to me than Chicago on that book tour).
I guess I should be happy that whatever new shows they do play will eventually come out on DVD, and that I'll get to read good reviews from people here who are happy to see the Police (even if it's from the back of a crowded arena), and I'm happy for them. Truly. I've gotten to see some concerts that were really life changers, and this may be that incident for young folks and some other people who haven't been quite so exposed to the magic that was the Police.
So anyway, that's my piece on the matter, and I still very well may go to Bonnaroo (maybe just for the one day, so it's more manageable). In any event I'll still be around checking this thread so I can answer questions for folks who do want to go. And to post anything I hear locally. But if this rumor is true, we likely will hear something soon, because the Bonnaroo organizers always release the lineup Jan. 31, and I can't imagine they wouldn't want to publicize this far and wide. Will keep you posted. DotD