Chula Vista 5/26 - Don't Need My Pair Anymore

Pics by fans

Chula Vista 5/26 - Don't Need My Pair Anymore

Postby xuclarockerx on 18 May 2008 05:01

I live in Orange County and I didn't want to go to the Bowl...but I decided after seeing them 4 times last year I don't need to drive down to Chula Vista and see them again. The only exception *may* be the final show in NYC.

So anyway, I'd like to sell my pair to the Coors Amphitheatre show if possible. I paid over 220 for the pair but I'll take $200 for em. Shoot me an email preferably at if interested. Thanks :)
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Postby empty on 18 May 2008 05:04


where are they? I mean, besides in San Diego and all......
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Postby xuclarockerx on 20 May 2008 02:43

They're in Section 304, Row N.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2007 09:31

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