by copeland_girl5 on 10 May 2008 21:36
Hi All...just got home from a wonderful time at the walk with Nancyrose, DM, SS, PR, Sockii & Vespa as well as my daughter Toni. I'm so grateful for them coming out to support the cause today as well as those who contributed with donations and kind spirit. What a great group...I love you guys.
All in all the walk was fine, some confusion at first because we thought we were walking outside, but they had us do it under roof. Nancy (although she was caffiene-deficient) and Toni, followed closely by DM, took off on a power walk...yeah I think they lapped the rest of us twice. We were told that we had "sixteen laps" (where is that girl?) to complete, but didn't keep we all just walked until we were told to stop. I must say you would never have known that Sockii & Vespa had basically been out all night - they were the first to arrive...and they managed to get Starbucks from the volunteer station...they needed it bad...Nancy could've used it too-out the door early with no coffee. Oh I must note that they played a compilation of Police songs (Fallout was first!) and at one point Stewart's Equalizer theme (yay!) was filling the airwaves during the walk.
The event closed with an awards ceremony that was very emotional...they had families that had lost loved ones present awards to the winners/runner ups of the 5K race...each one shared a bit about their dearly departed and for my part it really choked me particular were the parents of an 18 year old daughter that just passed away 2 weeks ago after only being diagnosed in January...oh my. Everyone, please do regular self-exam skin checks, wear sunscreen,'s so important. Early detection! I also believe they expect to have raised close to $75,000. The donation site may not indicate this since corporate donations were not included there.
After the walk the group then headed to "The Grog" for an enjoyable lunch, and we said our good-byes. PR and I took pics and I'm sure hers will be posted before mine as I'm still basically an upload illiterate. SS distributed the "Stewstock" messenger bags (Yay!)...nice work! Oh, and my daughter doesn't think we're totally nuts...that's what's great about a little participation...she kinda gets it and she had a good time.
You know for me, today is the most important day of my life because it's the only one I have and I want to thank you all again for being a part of it.
I'm overwhelmed...
xoxoxo Laurie
"No man is poor that has friends." -- Clarence the Angel, It's a Wonderful Life