Stewart talks about Eberhard Schoener and The Police

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Stewart talks about Eberhard Schoener and The Police

Postby Jose on 02 Mar 2009 01:12

This is a great interview posted at Eberhard Schoener website in which Stewart reminds the period THE POLICE met Eberhard Shoener (Andy's friend at that era) for an experimental project...this work with the german composer, Stewart admits gave THE POLICE more freedom and experience to found their powerfull and capabilities...specially on Sting and it in words of Stewart (translated from German):

Sunday newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine - 14.12.2008
Excerpt from an interview with Stewart Copeland (The Police)

SL: You seem to speak some German. I've just heard on the floor ....

SC: What? I can just "Hello" to say, but we are in the wrong part of Germany.

SL: At least you know you are wrong in this part of Germany are.

SC: Yes, I did in Munich aufgeschnappt, by my old friend Eberhard Schoener. Eberhard is also one of the reasons why we are in our early days as a "policy" could survive.

SL: Why?

SC: Well, you remember the D-Mark? It was then compared to the British pound very strong. And so we were able to two weeks in Germany for Eberhard and then play them six months to live in England. Eberhard also gave us a degree of artistic freedom. If you were a punk band in London occurred, there were fairly strict rules: Thou shalt not be longer than two minutes per song to play. Thou shalt with a hundred miles per hour to play.

SL: The punk scene as a police order?

SC: Yes. In Germany, we played on the other hand, with this classical composers - and wished that we deploy to the outer galaxies. As an employee of Eberhard we have our opportunities and really only discovered about ourselves as musicians learn more. We would have never allowed ourselves, as much to experimental animals and to discover what Andy on guitar tricks for everything it has or what Sting and his voice can. Sting vocally penetrated into regions, which in the London punk scene were not allowed.

SL: Did the identity of the band coined?

SC: More than that, it's been downright opened a door through which we are then taken. I can not say that Eberhard would have told us what we should do. But he has set off this door, and this has allowed us, to develop our sound. Every time I come to Germany, which reminds me again.
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