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Pop quiz- Which STEWART beat...

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 16:43
by Spec A!
or beats did I use for this original? :)

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 18:06
by Tamadude
CSLY with a touch of Roxanne maybe?

Either way, nice chops bro!


PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 18:26
by Spec A!
Thanks! Well I could see that, but no, that wasn't my "inspiration". ;) But you got it right in that there are two songs I culled from...

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 19:23
by policerule
On Any Other Day?

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 19:27
by any_other_day
I can hear a CSLY, but since you already declined that... I can see On Any Other Day, and A Sermon.. I've also got Message in a Bottle floating around in my head... also, love the t-shirt you're wearing, and agreeing with tamadude, sweet skills!! I'm still a beginner so, I'd love to be able to play like that. :D

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 19:45
by Spec A!
Thanks :)

But nope- think ride bell and crashes...

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 20:03
by Chatchka
Man in a Suitcase with Demolition Man (if we are only to consider Police STEWART beats)

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 20:08
by Spec A!
Aha! Man in a suitcase is one of them...

Nice job!

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 21:33
by NoOneYouKnow
YYZ. Better luck next time.

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 01:55
by Spec A!
Huh? and no (but I am uploading that tonight btw).

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 01:58
by Chatchka
Okay, not demo man. And, wooooohooo on Man in a Suitcase.

If it isn't demo man, I'm calling you out on Working for the Weekend, by Loverboy.

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 02:11
by Spec A!
Ok here's a hint: "It has to..."

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 02:15
by GinaSuperCat
Is there some reason why I am automatically programmed beyond any intentional thought process to scream CHA for a part of this? <grin>

Accordingly I'd say RDB if we are treating that as a separate answer from CSLY...

STEWART beats are a tricky business!

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 07:31
by TheEqualizer
Invisible Sun? :?

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 09:03
by dafttart
Spec A! you're gooooooood! :D