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Stewart and Gamelon?

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 15:31
by njperry
In the short bio of Stewart on the www, site (under Artists), it says in listing Stewart’s projects “more recently a Concerto for Gamelon.”

Anyone know what that is referring to? Did Stewart do something for the Gamelon game system? Is it perhaps referencing his Spyro work?

Thanks for any enlightening.

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 16:14
by conroy
I think they meant gamelan.

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 16:30
by Chatchka
It must be a misprint. I think it is supposed to be Stewart and Galaga. The whole thing will be orchestrated using 1980s arcade games.


PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 16:37
Gamelan, balinese percussion. Conroy is rrrright!

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 17:20
by njperry
While I love the idea of Stewart doing Indonesian music, I doubt Gamelan (at least in that sense) is really the answer. :lol: Bali Rhythmatist.

Likewise, 1980s versions of Galaga seems unlikely.

Anyone know?

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 17:44
by DirtyMartini
NJ, Con's right. Somewhere on this forum (damned if I can find it), Smax posted quotes from a recent article (er, Rhythm mag?) with some of the details. The gamelan concerto = the Dallas Symphony piece.

ETA: A.k.a., what Con said below.

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 17:45
by conroy
You might have missed this in the new projects thread that St. Jeff posted, but according to Smax it's mentioned in the UK Rhythm mag that should be for sale in the US now (which I need to check on later): ... c&start=45

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 17:55
Thank you, Con.
Nick, I know what I'm saying, since I have been to gamelan concerts here in the Bay Area. Should be A-ma-zing, and you can check gamelan artists out. 8) 8) 8)

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009 22:48
by Michi
[quote="Chatchka"]It must be a misprint. I think it is supposed to be Stewart and Galaga. The whole thing will be orchestrated using 1980s arcade games.


Wooow, my 1º computer game. :shock: :shock: I didnt know the real name!! :roll: :roll:

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 00:59
by smax
yup... two gamelans.. erm, usually they're not tuned but he's got two (balinese and tibetan possibly) that are in concert pitch... and it is the dallas thingy..

i had intended to share a scan of this mag with y'all, but i'm a luddite thicko who cannae do it....and now i can't find the mag, jey, we're havin the fireplace done and getin the walls plastered so i've had to move cd's, pc, vinyl, dvd's, decks, furniture etc etc etc and the mag which i put somewhere around here...

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009 03:13
by njperry
Thanks to Conroy, TOWOS, and others, I now realize that I was misreading the bio material from the Ben Hur site. I thought the Gamelon and the Dallas orchestra pieces were completely seperate.

Especially now that we know D'Drum, who clearly are influenced by Balinese music, is invovled it makes sense they are the same project which really should be something to hear.

I just assumed you were joking. Shows I do know you guys. :wink: