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Spectacle US v. UK -- yes, differences in the broadcasts

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 15:24
by DirtyMartini
Hey, folks.

I haven't had a chance to watch either the US or UK versions of Spectacle in their entirety yet, but I did just check out the Stewart interview section, and yep, there are some differences.

So far, in the UK version, Elvis gives a more complete intro to Stewart than in the US version.

But in the US version, Stewart talks about Certifiable/the BA show, stage energy, Better Than Therapy -- all of which is cut from the UK broadcast.


(The laughter editing is equally hideous on both, though.)

I'll try to get some UK copies out there as soon as I can, but I'm afraid it's going to take a bit of time. Also be aware that it's in UK PAL.

Big thanks to DamianC for the disc.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 15:49
by DirtyMartini
Hi, again.

Just checked the section where all 3 guys chat together, and it's the same in both broadcasts.

I'll take a look at the Sting and Andy sections later.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 17:44
by Madgrad
[quote="DirtyMartini"]Hi, again.

Just checked the section where all 3 guys chat together, and it's the same in both broadcasts.

I'll take a look at the Sting and Andy sections later.[/quote]

So sad. The mooning story lost forever. :wink:

Re: Spectacle US v. UK -- yes, differences in the broadcasts

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 18:01
by Tamadude
[quote="DirtyMartini"]So far, in the UK version, Elvis gives a more complete intro to Stewart than in the US version.[/quote]

Anyone notice any points from Stewart when he's introduced?


PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 18:10
by samburusunset
Mooning story?

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 18:22
by Madgrad
[quote="samburusunset"]Mooning story?[/quote]

In Melbourne. Supposedly they were fighting after the show, "took it to the streets", and 'sombody' mooned Stewart.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 19:23
by Divemistress of the Dark
Thanks Dirty!

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 22:12
by Chatchka
Wouldn't they kind of have to edit it differently for American TV since we are such tight-asses about cussing?

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 22:26
Thank you! When I referred to the edits, of course I meant in comparison to the epic tales I heard from those who WOZ THEIR...

At least 20 mins. must have been cut... The Treaty enforced :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2009 23:52
by Throb
I thought the Certifiable part looked a bit “choppy”, like it was edited much later due to the release date being after the taping and the clip kinda “plugged in”.
Perhaps in the U.S we have more commercials so the program has to be a set run time?
Would be nice to see the entire show, maybe Sundance will release one day on DVD. In the meantime thanks for the updates!

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 00:42
by John1971
Thanks for the info. I thought Stewart and Andy were brushed aside too quickly compared with Sting.
Wonder how much more footage there is? Did anyone here attend?!

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 01:03
by Tamadude
[quote="John1971"] Did anyone here attend?![/quote]

Apparently there was a sighting of a beaming wookie leaving the building twirling a Vater from STEWART's rig. :wink:


PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 01:45
by IndyGirl
Thanks for the info, DM.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 02:49
by copeland_girl5
Thanks for the update DM. Interesting...need to get copies of both versions. Viewed US version...must say a bit disappointed. Made me oh so grateful I was there for the entire taping of the show...had my expectations up just a bit too high for the final cut. They really could have done a better job...maybe someday, someone will be able to get their hands on the additional 2 hours of footage. One can only hope! Some "classic" out-takes at the very least!

<and dear Dietmar's a star 8) >

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 03:46
by luddite lady
[quote="copeland_girl5"]Thanks for the update DM. Interesting...need to get copies of both versions. Viewed US version...must say a bit disappointed. Made me oh so grateful I was there for the entire taping of the show...had my expectations up just a bit too high for the final cut. They really could have done a better job...maybe someday, someone will be able to get their hands on the additional 2 hours of footage. One can only hope! Some "classic" out-takes at the very least!

<and dear Dietmar's a star 8) >[/quote]

Ah-ha! That's why it's taking so long to air on Canadian TV! The Canadian version will be uncut and glorious!

I'm kidding. It'll probably be the same as the U.S. one or have even more cuts. If it does air, DM will get to do a three way...a three way compare and contrast exercise that is. Oooooh! Almost as much fun as Yo Ho Ho! Now, I'm not kidding; I'm being a geek.

ETA: And hurrah for Dietmar! He certainly deserves to be a star as far as I'm concerned.