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Does anyone not have Lynn Goldsmith's "new" book?

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2008 06:39
by samburusunset
Hi all,
I was gifted a copy of Lynn's book and I already have it. So, in the spirit of the season (and Nutterness) I'll send it along to the first Nutter who responds. All I ask is that you pay for postage. I'll figure that out and let you know. Shoot me an email if you're interested.


PostPosted: 30 Dec 2008 09:12
by Maud138
Oooh yes please,
Incoming email...

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2008 17:24
by samburusunset
And the book goes to....Maud!
You'll like it. There's lots of good pics of our Stewie and the boys. :D

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2008 17:28
by njperry
Congrats, Maud.

Goldsmith's book is a very nice book of photos, although I didn't look at it too much after I got Andy's photo book.

ETA: It is very nice to see Nutters sharing with other Kryptoids.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 16:27
by Maud138
Yay I got the book today. Thanks Amy.
I guess it was said before but I wanna say it again:


PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 16:50
by TheEqualizer


True dat.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 17:16
by samburusunset
:oops: :oops:

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2009 22:57
by English-lion


True dat.[/quote]

yep 8)