People, it was wonderful to witness such a fantastic show....Milano was great, Modena was so good, and as Maxx said, Sardinia was amazing...
Stewart called the Sardinia show one of the best live experiences he has ever had!
The tv show with Stewart and I was amazing, I enjoyed myself so much and Stewart was happy to be there; he was a little surprised to see he hosting the show that way, as he said I'm very natural on tv, I'm not worried about tv cameras and I feel comfortable on the spotlight; of course HE WAS ON THE SPOTLIGHT as a guest like him on a music show is always a gem!
I did a little gag at the beginning as I introduced him as my 'special collector items' from my own private collection....first of all I showed some records and memorabilia, and then I said I had a unique item, only one made in the whole world, and it was in my private collection for an hours....I showed his hands, his feet, his haircut, I showed him as 'an object fo my collection'...and he speaked!
That was real fun people! After that I asked to put on a few minutes taken from the DVD and then we started with my interview...the show went on with such a natural spirit that an hour went by too fast!
Everybody liked it!
Can you imagine how I feel???