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PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 14:21
by visions
we love you phaty

we know how much you are disappointed you are but some times things don't work because it wasn't meant to be

Like me not seeing the Police more than once but i am so over the moon seeing them in Melbourne. I have waited twenty seven year to see my Stewart and I am so happy about that.

Another great thing that has happened is to meet so many fantastic people here who understand my passion and have Stewart actually react with us.

I think you are so great as many other people here.
You make us laugh and cry with you.
You will see then and I can not wait until you tell us your personal account
keep the dream alive baby
we love you phaty

Not just the band but seeing my second home after thirteen years and family I haven't seen just as long

a dream come true

I know to be given such a gift and deny can't be good but you will still see my boys


PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 16:08
by DirtyMartini
Translation into Phatyese:

PHATY! Get off your fucking ass already, you mother-fucking, cock-sucking, gash-bothering, twat-mongering asshole!

You've got men to curse! Women to letch! Stewarts to mock! Stings to make fear for their lives! So fuck off, already, you stupid fucking cunt. For fuck's sake.


ETA: My apologies to Jan for totally defiling her lovely post.

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 16:39
by animal
Holy Crap DM, did not expect you to express yourself so eloquently :wink: :lol:

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 16:54
by kimmy
Oh just pop by and hello!!!


:lol: :lol:

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 17:47
by Kalypso
Now, that's the DM I like!!! :D

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 18:30
by phaty
Oh for fuck sake ... !

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 18:33
by Kalypso
Phaty! Welcome back man! :D

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:00
by animal
Welcome back Phaty,

Glad you're still alive. You have been missed.

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:02
by DirtyMartini
[quote="animal"]Holy Crap DM, did not expect you to express yourself so eloquently :wink: :lol:[/quote]

What can I say? I've got a way with words.

And phaty, welcome back, babydoll. You bloody wanker.

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:04
by Rusty James
[quote="DirtyMartini"]Translation into Phatyese:
PHATY! Get off your fucking ass already, you mother-fucking, cock-sucking, gash-bothering, twat-mongering asshole!
You've got men to curse! Women to letch! Stewarts to mock! Stings to make fear for their lives! So fuck off, already, you stupid fucking cunt. For fuck's sake.
ETA: My apologies to Jan for totally defiling her lovely post.[/quote]

My fucking ears are it :shock:

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:08
by policefan

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:19
by dafttart
Thank fuck he's back :lol:

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:25
by BongoBoy
Everythings back to normal.

That's Fucktablious !

See ya the Fuck Later !

BongoFuckOff O !

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:29
by policerule
aw, phaty, you fuck... welcome bac!

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007 19:30
by phaty