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Rumored DC show--November 5th

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007 16:05
by sockii
Saw mention of this on today. Apparently a DJ mentioned the Police will be playing DC on November 5, and to expect an official announcement shortly.

If true, I need to figure out if I'm going to red-eye it back from San Francisco Sunday night so I can blow down to DC Monday for the show. Hmmm...

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007 17:25
by secretjourneyranch
I'm still watching that week off between
Nov 17, 2007 Atlanta GA
Nov 24, 2007 Mexico City
Texas falls right between those stops...
Perhaps San Antone or Austin?

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007 17:29
by bella
Thanks to Arecev on site, she emailed me to tell me she heard this too.

Oh, please let it be so! Let it be so!!

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007 21:57
by conroy
Tis true! About goddamn time!!!! Guess who else is going to be in town that night and the following night??!! The Bellydance Superstars!!!! So I guess this means we're going to the Tuesday night show at the Birchmere in Alexandria.