by smudge on 06 Sep 2007 21:38
Earlier this week i was bouncing off everything. I know this sounds really cheesy, but now I'm thinking 'I hope the crowd is good. I hope they cut loose a little. I hope they enjoy it. '
Last time, well, it didn't feel like it was a pleasurable experience for anyone on stage. It sounded incredible, but.....
There is nothing better than witnessing musicians playing their socks off (no pun intended), and clearly revelling in it. Up to a point that is enjoyable as an audience no matter what the talent or material of those involved.
So I'm trying not to get too carried away, but that's what I'm hoping for. Crack a smile dude(s), enjoy. If Andy heads for Idaho, Sting's mucking about with polar bears, and Stewart is studying penguins, I don't give a shit. They'll find their way back to the Azores at some point (everything does). And I'll be happy.
"You can't always do right, but you can always do what's left."