Now I have to go public ... I get too many sweet emails and I am an arsehead for not posting here anymore.
Well I sit in front of my computer and travel agents since last monday and keep on saying fuck you you fucking fuck!!!
I changed my job and I am really fine - cool thing so far! BUT my trip to Twickenham is a huge pain in the ass because of that ...
I got a plane ticket to London for 1cent (REALLY) but I have to get back to another town with another airline (non cheapo) and now that is where the problem starts ... they want to charge my 1.200 GBP which is about 2.100 $ in real money! For 500 miles that is ... I could have Stingo carrying me on his back for that kind of money...
DM already gave me some pointers but girls believe me I tried EVERYFUCKINGTHING under the sun so far ... but will I give up? Hell no!
Winners never quit - quitters never win ... !
As I said to DM earlier - I would say FUCK THE POLICE, I see them on German soil anyway - but missing Kim and Hannah and all the other English foxes will break my heart.
I won't stop trying - fucking airline-travel-agency-mafia read my lips ...
F-U-C-K O-F-F . . . !