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Stick it to Stockholm again, STEWART!!!

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 04:23
by DirtyMartini
I'm afraid that the Flag has to depart the Den of Swe directly after its/your glorious Re-Opening Night, Stewart. However, it will meet you again next week in the bustling Ham of Birming.

In the meantime, our lovely copelandos_damour will be back at the Globe screaming up a storm for all of Copelandia.

Have a great second night in Stockholm, Stewart!


PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 04:58
by samburusunset

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 05:06
by English-lion
to quote iron chef : Bang a Gong get it on!!!!!

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 09:04
by mardee
BANG A GONG! Yay Stewart! Thank you for this little tour thing you're doing. We miss you. Now, go tear it up across Europe. 8)

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 13:39
by DirtyMartini
Anyone know how to spell what the Swedish chef says? Something about the way he pitches those spoons over his head is so familiar . . .

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 13:45
by policerule
[quote="DirtyMartini"]Anyone know how to spell what the Swedish chef says? Something about the way he pitches those spoons over his head is so familiar . . .[/quote]

gunda, gunda, ver de bork bork bork!

i don't freakin know... funny stuff.

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 14:14
by animal
[quote="DirtyMartini"]Something about the way he pitches those spoons over his head is so familiar . . .[/quote]

Now I can see somebody is gonna take a rubber chicken & a chefs hat to the CHAlloween show :lol: :lol: [/quote]

Oh by the way Kick some Butt Stewart on the 2nd night!! :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 18:50
by DirtyMartini
BTW, right about now would be a


Thank you.

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 20:56
by smudge
I think you'll find that's

Hour, de bour de bour, de bour, de bour, Bork Bork Bork.

And he actually sounds more norwegian than swedish. I have this on good authority from my swedish best mate.

Chocolate Moose.....

(Sorry, sorry, sorry scandinavia. It is all with affection...)

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007 20:57
by Kalypso
[quote="English-lion"]to quote iron chef : Bang a Gong get it on!!!!![/quote]

That's T REX, mama!