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Pictures of your drum set

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 14:58
by dontboxmein
As you can see I uploaded did bongo boy, anyone else?

This pic shows my Tama Octabans. ... a0f1c7.jpg

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 15:02
by BongoBoy
YEA !!!!

BongoDontBoxMeInWayAheadOfTheirTime O !

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 15:24
by Spec A!
Nothing current in terms of pics- I no longer have my 14mm which was the only lens that could fit it all!

Here's the layout- ... ure1-1.png

Oh yeah, and a pic- ... OQDF23.jpg


PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 15:59
by Skip
Here is the kit I'm using currently- a less is more approach.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:14
by Spec A!
Kudos to the less is more, because I can totally appreciate the amazing things some drummers can do with 3-5 things to hit (Bonham!). Plus it makes gigging a helluva lot easier! But personally- holy crap would I get bored on it quick. :)

Re: Pictures of your drum set

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:28
by Rusty James
[quote="dontboxmein"]As you can see I uploaded did bongo boy, anyone else?[/quote] she is. That's my granddaughter on the skins 8)

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:31
by Marshmallow Jones 1
Here's mine, I posted on the Drummerworld forums a few weeks ago. you may notice the SC avatar I use there. oh and and the familiar black tubular drums over my hi hat. ... hp?t=28635

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:35
by Ska Man
Here is the current kit i am using TAMA HYPERDRIVE LIMITED EDITION. I play a lot of Ska and Reggae so here you go ... ve%20Solo/

p.s Hyperdrive equates to Shallow toms
6.5x10 & 7x12.
12x14 & 14x16 flrs
5.5x14 snare
18x22 Kick

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:39
by Marshmallow Jones 1
nice octobans SkaMan. those are the real Tamas obviously. I have the Peace aluminum kind, not a huge fan but i dont have the bucks to get the real thing. aren't those mounted kinda high?

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:41
by Ska Man
Yo Marshmallow thats a Sweet kit you have I LOVE the colour I tried that kit out Mapex M I think with Birch shells very nice I almost bought that kit very very nice 8)

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:43
by Ska Man
I'm 6'2" with long arms baby it may be the angle they are sweet though I bought them and had to restore them :lol:

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:47
by Marshmallow Jones 1
thanks for the compliments dood, i love my kit. i had a Tama Swingstar for years but since i joined a band last year (no we dont play any police unfortunately) I needed a new kit. heard a lot of good things about these M Birch kits and for the price they are fantastic drums.

yea i'd say at 6'2 you could mount them anywhere you'd want. i'd love me some Tama octs.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 16:48
by BongoBoy
Cool stuff !

I love how so many have Octobans or splashes...heh,heh.

Love seeing what other people's so personal, you get a vibe of the dude just from the kit.

BongoOcto O !

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 17:04
by Ska Man
Look Around marshmallow you may be able to find a set of Octobans for $200 or so In fact i found some a few months ago and posted it here on the forum i think it was $250. but as i mentioned before I LOVE your kit the colour is AWESOME BABY AWESOME :wink:

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 17:06
by Ska Man
yeah its interesting to see the influence Stewart's kit has had on us TAMA better be paying him LOL.....