Kudos to the less is more, because I can totally appreciate the amazing things some drummers can do with 3-5 things to hit (Bonham!). Plus it makes gigging a helluva lot easier! But personally- holy crap would I get bored on it quick.
Here's mine, I posted on the Drummerworld forums a few weeks ago. you may notice the SC avatar I use there. oh and and the familiar black tubular drums over my hi hat.
nice octobans SkaMan. those are the real Tamas obviously. I have the Peace aluminum kind, not a huge fan but i dont have the bucks to get the real thing. aren't those mounted kinda high?
Yo Marshmallow thats a Sweet kit you have I LOVE the colour I tried that kit out Mapex M I think with Birch shells very nice I almost bought that kit very very nice
You always have a choice on how you choose to Experience the Experience you are Experiencing
thanks for the compliments dood, i love my kit. i had a Tama Swingstar for years but since i joined a band last year (no we dont play any police unfortunately) I needed a new kit. heard a lot of good things about these M Birch kits and for the price they are fantastic drums.
yea i'd say at 6'2 you could mount them anywhere you'd want. i'd love me some Tama octs.
Look Around marshmallow you may be able to find a set of Octobans for $200 or so In fact i found some a few months ago and posted it here on the forum i think it was $250. but as i mentioned before I LOVE your kit the colour is AWESOME BABY AWESOME
You always have a choice on how you choose to Experience the Experience you are Experiencing