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movies you would like to have seen copeland score

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 05:36
by coreclak
well my favorite director is Terry Gilliam and my favorite composer is Stewart Copeland, so i would've loved to see copeland do a score for Brazil. What movies do you like that you would've had stew score for?

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 06:44
by Vince Flamacue
Well it won't be out 'till next summer but how 'bout an SC score for Speed Racer!

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 06:51
by phaty
Deep Throat

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 07:56
by Tamadude


PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 13:00
by bella

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 14:56
by jedsoon
Tetsuo, the Iron Man.

No, really!

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 15:09
by TheEqualizer
Two come to mind:

(1) Everyone Stares II

You know everyone wants to see this. The movie starts with the recording of the Synchronicity album, the band falling apart, and the disintegration during the tour. You then see the rise of Sting's solo career. Meanwhile you see Andy and Stewart start to begin their life after the Police as they start to realize that maybe the Police will not happen again. Hopes seem to be dashed after the failed attempt to record the Greatest Hits album (facilitated by Stewart's injury), which results in only one new track. Not sure how the Amnesty International shows fit in. Anyway, you then see how Stewart and Andy both seem to get on track with their post-Police careers, both puttin out great stuff and doing interesting things. Meanwhile, Sting seems to dip. Mercury Rising seems to put Sting into the adult listening category and then his lute album, though well received in classical circles, seems like a step in the wrong direction for Sting's career. Andy and Stewart are ready for closure of the Police by doing One Train Later and Everyone Stares, maybe accepting that the Hall of Fame show was it.

And then the call from Sting. The Grammys. The press conference. The successful tour (with some mention of the tinkering of the songs). Stewart's FLAG. And then the tour ends. You see all three are really glad they were able to put the past aside and do this tour for there fans. And the movie ends with Sting saying something to the camera which is very opposite of how Everyone Stares ends. Sting actual thanks Andy and Stewart for making the Police happen.

Of course, this movie would have TONS of derangements and a killer commentary track on the DVD with all three of them.

(2) Wild Thing, the Movie

I think everyone would want to see this movie made almost as much as (1). Think of the passion Stewart would have in making this one. I'm sure it would be AMAZING.

Of course, neither of these films will ever be made :cry:

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2007 15:21
by Rusty James
Scarface :twisted:

Phaty would love this movie...a very young and scantly clad Michelle Pfieffer and every other word is "fucking cockroach!"

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 01:16
by xyzman
Royal Tennenbaums.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 04:37
by TheEqualizer
Talking 'bout the Royal Tennenbaums, I think Stewart would sound great if he did a cover of the Who's Happy Jack.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 06:24
by coreclak
thats funny royal tennenbaums was done by my second favorite scorer Mark Mothersbaugh. I have hey jude on my psp music library.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 20:21
by Krokodyle

Philip Glass' soundtrack is perfect, but I'd love to hear how Stewart would score this masterpiece.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 20:33
by Jennythenipper
The Mighty Ducks.

Just kidding.

What Equalizer said, "Everyone Stares II."

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 20:38
by Kalypso
The Last King Of Scotland
[swoons after imagining movie with Copeland score AND Jimmy McAvoy) :oops: :oops: :shock: :shock: :wink:

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2007 20:40
by Kalypso
"Sting actual thanks Andy and Stewart for making the Police happen"

NOW, that ain't happening!!!!

"I deem the man behind the camera responsible for luring me into interrupting a successful lute record collection"!