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Stewart: sent you a note from Boston!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 18:44
by policerule
so, i'm at andy's exhibit this afternoon & while talking with the owner, she tells me (no offense andy) that she is a really big fan of the band, but especially stewart. of course, i show my freak face and we immediately hop on the website and i'm telling her about the flag and how much fun we all have. she told me an interesting story:

she was talking with the publicists and tried to get a back stage pass and a ticket for sunday's show. first told her that there were no tickets available, then she talked them into it citing the fact that she is showing andy's work, etc. they told her that she would be able to have back stage access in a hospitality room. she was bummed, but when they saw the work that she did displaying his photographs, they agreed to allow her to purchase an expensive seat, but it included a REAL backstage pass. since she is a big stewart fan, i wrote this note and asked her to pass it on to him if she should happen to see him.

i wish her the best of luck for meeting the band and i hope she has a wonderful time at the show. she is a TRUE fan and she did a wonderful job at the exhibit. the photographs look beautiful!


PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:00
by Kim
Awwwwwwwww. I love you guys, and Stewart must too!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:13
by shyvixen
Nicely done policerule! I'm having a warm-fuzzy moment.

I do love this place.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:15
by DirtyMartini
PRule, you noodle!

No flag directions?!? No diagrams?!? No longitude and latitude coordinates?!?

ETA: PS -- Good job, PRule.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:15
by GinaSuperCat
What an awesome thing to do & great thinking...I'm now changing your name unofficially to Police RULES!!! After arranging the exhibit, I sure hope she got to meet them, seems only fair! <grin>

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:15
by conroy
[quote="shyvixen"]Nicely done policerule! I'm having a warm-fuzzy moment.

I do love this place.[/quote]

Me,too. I expect some really animated flag pointing tonight. I hope someone is able to get decent video tonight!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:25
by policerule
i'm going to try to get some video tonight, but i'm waaaaay on andy's side in the 12th row, so we'll see. i will be screaming and jumping for the most part too... i'll try!

stewart wouldn't get the note until after tomorrow's show, but at least he'll feel the love.

Dm - i know i should have wrote more, but i was so flustered! i know you were joking about the directions though :lol: :lol: - he already has them!

skip's on sting's side, so it's all the way opposite of me, but i'll be watching for the point!

the sky is dark, but i'm not worried! i'm not even bringing my parka - fuck it. that's a jinx. it's going to be a great night!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:30
by DirtyMartini
Dm - i know i should have wrote more, but i was so flustered! i know you were joking about the directions though :lol: :lol: - he already has them!

Not to worry, B. You done good.


vry welldone

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:36
by giovanni
very wll done policerule...I'm sure Stewart will appreciate it!

Re: Stewart: sent you a note from Boston!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:42
by Lynne
[quote="policerule"]since she is a big stewart fan, i wrote this note and asked her to pass it on to him if she should happen to see him.

i wish her the best of luck for meeting the band and i hope she has a wonderful time at the show. she is a TRUE fan and she did a wonderful job at the exhibit. the photographs look beautiful!


That's fabulous! What quick thinking. I hope you have a great time!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 19:44
by nancyrose
That is a very cool story, Policerule! Great job thinking on your feet...I think your note is just right!!

I really love the way this place makes us all feel so connected to things taking place miles away from wherever we happen to be sitting!

I hope you ALL have a fabulous time in Boston tonight! Big storm just blew through NY and now the sun is shining...hope the rain arrives in Boston SOON and blows out of town well before the opening GONG!!

(OK, I'm going off to recite the pledge now....)

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 21:17
by tonydrums
Policerule, way to be!

Nice note and above all, nice penmanship! I can only imagine how the note would look if it was written in my chickenscratch. :)

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 22:20
by animal
Nice work PR,

Quick thinking on your feet.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 22:24
by GinaSuperCat
Stewart: I've got a lump in my throat about the note you wrote!

See, he's already choked up about all the love from SCnet <grin>

Or, even funnier imagining the context, having a note hand delivered into Stewart: "I don't mean to rock the boat, but you sent this dangerous note!" Subversion always from the inside...

<Cheshire Grin> Ok, I've completely lost it...I'd better get back to my own 800lb gorilla called 'dissertation'...seems like I'm only good for talking about Kant's "What is Enlightenment" at the present...

*****Have an AWESOME time tonight EVERYONE at Fenway...we're all thinking about you!*****

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007 23:13
by animal
Let's hope nobody needs a raincoat.