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Flag de Copelandia at Hershey 7/20

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2007 18:33
by samburusunset
The flag will be available for SC.netters to sign on Friday at the Hershey Stadium show. I'll be at the pre-show tail gater with flag in tow. (Don't worry Kel, I'll keep it away from open flames and Hershey's Kisses. :D )

We'll be in the parking lot with Synch. balloons flying above us (red ones anyway). Gonna hear the gong in 2 more days!!!!!! Wooooo hoooooo!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007 04:52
by samburusunset
There'll also be a pirate flag. In the event of rain >praying for sun<
the festivities ( and Le Flag) will move to Chocolate Avenue Grill 1/4 mile from the park. >praying for sun<

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007 13:41
by bella
Holy CRAP!!!!! I just got massive chills to hear that the flag is going to be at Hershey Park! I get to see the Flag again!!!???? Do I get to add the Hershey date to my already signed name??? I even forgot to take a picture of myself with it at Dodger Stadium and was really bummed about that.

Look for four ladies with red t-shirts saying WE. LOVE (HEART). THE. POLICE.


PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007 14:22
by samburusunset
You can add the date (in small print), but you can't sign again. Our little 'ole flaggy still has to make the rounds to Europe, Asia and Australia (yay!!).


PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007 14:24
by DirtyMartini
Thank you, SS. Good job.

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2007 15:47
by bella
Aw heck. I was gonna get my extra fat sharpie and play tic tac toe on the back of the flag. :wink:

OF COURSE I know it's got to be small. I don't want the Wrath of DM on my butt.