Tube Sock Heaven

Tube Sock Heaven

Postby Vince Flamacue on 17 Jul 2007 07:12

After striking out left and right looking for colored tube socks for the upcoming Philly show, I was reminded of a small sock maker near me who I hadn't heard anything about for years. I used to buy tube socks from her all of the time at a local farmer's market in the 80's. Well, she's gone but her daughter and other family members have taken over the operation. I went to her tiny store today and was thrilled to find a nice assortment of colored tube and crew socks, all made right there. They do custom orders too for no extra charge and she'll ship anywhere. She has a website, although I haven't had any luck getting on to it today. I told her I'd give her business a plug on here (if any other forum members were interested) but I'm not sure if plugging a business is allowed on here. Maybe y'all can let me know.

"Let's go Phils!"
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Vince Flamacue
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Joined: 16 Feb 2007 19:07
Location: Gotham


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