I'm going to be out of town tomorrow and away from the computer (road tripping up to Louisville for the Churchill gig a couple days early) so this seems as good a time as any to say thanks for the awesome year I've had getting to know everyone both virtually and IRL.
I'm looking forward to the possibility of thanking Gio, Eugenio and Lady P in person sometime this fall, and I'm grateful to have had the chance to thank STEWART himself for his assistance in bringing this delightful group together. It just seems too much, somehow: First, years of albums of brilliant music, then the phenomenon that was Oysterhead, the ES:TPIO screenings, now months of fun ahead meeting all you folks, watching your films, recordings, etc., wearing tube socks. Plus the best penpals anyone ever had, both here and behind the scenes via email and through the actual postal service.
What do we keep saying at the shows? Police tickets: 50, 90 or 225; people who understand why you're screaming like a little girl: priceless.
What a year it's been. If you'd told me on July 12, 2006 that this week I'd be packing tube socks and sneakers to go to a Police concert? I think I'd've said you were high. As it is, I'm just happy as hell, and very grateful.
Photos from Derbytown coming soon! And more from the June dates, as soon as I can stay home long enough to get them processed & posted -Dive