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PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 13:07
by visions
Okay just need some advise.....

Just joined Jackie's chat room, signed up and at the moment no one's there but I still don't see how it works. Do you click on your sigh or what? I have never been in a chat room before so could some one advise me how it works

just me Jan

Been brave again and exploring.

Any comments would be wonderful, please no rude ones since I am really only just getting to know the Internet and the wonderful adventure.

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 13:47
by Hannaha
Hey Jan it's easy. You just type into the white box labelled 'message' at the bottom and then hit the send button to the right when you're done. You can leave a mesage there even if no-one else is online. Does that help at all?

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 14:02
by visions
I don't know Hannah what is going on.

I saw you on line I think my system is no good.

I am not on FireFox or Internet 6 Just xp that's all I know and dial up maybe that's my problem if so I am sad not talking to anyone direct like you. I'll talk to my brother who is a computer brilliant which I am not.

Thanks so much for your help by the way I saw no message section anywhere.

Thanks for your help Jan.

I love your pics and you look so cool.

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 14:04
by Hannaha
Are you logged in on jackie's chatroom now? Let me go on there and I'll see if I can see you...

Can you see conroy's messages from last night? Tell me what you CAN see.

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 14:07
by visions
Yes I can see them and I was watching everyone talk about live earth the other day

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 14:09
by Hannaha
It could be because you're on dial up I guess... it could also be your browser. They are a few techy types on here who might be able to advise you way better than me!

Oh and thank you for your compliments :oops:

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 14:11
by Hannaha
Sorry I can't be any more help visions - try emailing jackie on she might know what the issue is.


PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 14:17
by visions
That's alright Hannah because you and so many others make me feel so welcome from the first day and can't thank you enough.

It's so nice to be able to express how I feel about Stewart and the Police. In my day there was no Internet and in so many ways if you didn't know you missed out. Like police files which I can now get on eBay.

I love this site and the ones who are on it and it is so cool that Stewart expresses himself on here.

He has been so quite and I know he is busy but I hope that other incident didn't put him off, or the others haven't gagged him.

Love always Jan.

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 15:02
by visions
Thanks Hannah for helping me I send a message to Jackie.

Hopefully this problem can be fix because it will be so cool to talk to you all.

I can't join TPT for they only use MasterCard which I don't have and can't afford the fee to join which isn't a problem for me.

The Police are touring again and can't believe it.

Okay story.

I read the police where playing the grammys and maybe touring so rang my sister and said how would you like to go to Melbourne and see the police, she said yes, thinking that would never happen and it did.

It happened near my fathers birthday and I never forget to ring him on his birthday but I was so busy on the Internet trying to find what was going on I didn't ring him

I have never done that before and the guilt is still with me but that's how important the Police means to me. Dad's birthday is on the 12th of Feb.

Don't get me wrong for we always get to together over the weekend but I always ring on the day and I am hunting down what was happening with my Stew.

I feel in love with my boys in the early eighties but we moved so much and didn't really know dates and concerts in those days, by the 1984 last concert in Melbourne I had moved back to Tassie for the second time and missed it, My cousin went and said it was the best concert he had ever been to. I cried my heart out that night because I couldn't be there so to be given a second chance to see my Stew play with my favourite band is beyond dreams and if I can't get tickets I am just happy to see his dreams come true again.

My sister and I plan to see the Police spent time in Melbourne, see family that live there because I am not from Tasmania but Victoria. My father was in the airline business. Ansett that was a sponsor of the Police that is written in the regatta tour book for Aussie land.

No matter what happens I am so glad to be here with you guys.

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 15:39
by DirtyMartini
We're glad you're here, too, visions. Can't wait til the band reaches your neck of the world!

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 18:31
by Hannaha
This site had brought rays of sunshine into many of our lives :)
I wish we'd had the internet 15 years ago - my world would have been a very different place.

I'm SO pleased you feel welcome here Visions - I know what a barrage of in-jokes and insanely detailed knowledge this site can be, but we all MEAN to be inclusive and friendly, even if we don't always manage to demonstrate it. When I first arrived here it was pretty quiet but all the regulars made me feel totally accepted straight away. There's a lot of love on this board ;)

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 19:11
by policerule
hey guys... been meaning to ask anyway - what is jackie's site?

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 19:16
by Hannaha
Go and check it out policerule - it's at:

It's a really good site, with lots of interactive bits where we can add pictures and listen to tracks and chat. Highly recommended!

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 19:41
by policerule
thanks hannaha & visions! i'll check it out... see u there!

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2007 19:47
by policerule
cool.... on and registered.