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Bob Greco's early report

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2007 09:07
It's 4 o'clock in Chicago.

I'm still drunk! :roll:

I will post a more detailed report when and if I sober up.

All that I can say for now is that I got goose bumps when I saw Andy bring out his Telecaster!

Our boy "Stewart" was phenomenal!!!!! Man can that dude play "The Skins"

The crowd and myself are speechless. Yes, I was that good!!

More to follow

I'm going back to sleep.

I must be the luckiest guy on earth. I'm going back tonight!!!!


PostPosted: 06 Jul 2007 09:12
by kimmy

Can't wait to hear all.... Get some sleep and we'll hear all later!!


PostPosted: 06 Jul 2007 12:21
by DirtyMartini
Excellent report, Greco. *applause* (HOW'S THAT HANGOVER DOING?!?)

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2007 13:55
by neonhunter
:!: :!: Way to go, Bob!! :!: :!:

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2007 14:57
It's a little past 9:00AM local time. Thank God I put in for vacation time :D
Hung -over big-time, but enough about me.

They came on around 8:10PM a little earlier than previous shows. The set-list was the same as previous shows.

I didn't think that this was possible but this show was even better than Dodger Stadium 8) Definitely, this show is my top 5 concerts of all time. (over 500 shows).

The band sounded tight. I think a lot of people including myself raised the bar so high for the first few shows. In retrospect, not playing together for over 20 years had something to do with some minor mistakes. THEY ARE BACK AND BETTER!!!!!!

This is a must see show!!

The band sounded terrific. It's hard to descibe how excellent it was. Who woke-up Andy? Man, he was jamming lick after lick. Sting was solid. Now for Stewart. What more can you say? He's definitely one one the best drummers of all time. His drum rolls were spot on. Some of his beats and hi hat work was so unique. What's great about Stewart is that his style is so different from any other drummer that I've seen and heard. He must have broke a dozen sticks. He was pounding away like a mad man!!!

If you want HARD! there's no harder than Next to you. They pounded and I mean pounded that one out! It sounded like it was 1978.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. My last Police show for 2007 will be tonight. There will be only one more Greco review to follow. I will pass the tourch to my fellow Stewart fans for updates. I'm so excited about tonight. It's going to be hard to top last nights show but I have a feeling they can! :lol:


ps; Back to sleep, my head hurts :shock:

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2007 15:19
by DirtyMartini