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Politics on the forum.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 00:54
Maybe I should have said, political views on the forum. I noticed on another thread that some members really voiced their hatred for President Bush. I didn't want to hi-jack that thread, so I thought I'd start my own thread. I know on most of the forums I'm involved with these discussions get out of hand and the thread gets locked up. Is that not the case here? I personally like talking politics but it always seems to get out of hand or personal. I personally don't have hatred for Bush, I do have issues with him on certain subjects but I could never see myself saying "fuck Bush" (as I've seen others saying here) or any President I disagreed with. Your thoughts.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 01:07
by animal
It seems that Politics & Religion are the topics that light the blue touch paper on forums of any kind.

I read the posts, but hold my tongue, as when people have very strong opinions any response usually falls on deaf ears.

Yes we can all agree to disagree.

I hope the board does not get into flaming wars, as this is a community I come to to get away from it all (so to speak.)

The only thing I will opine will be,

Support our Men & Women in uniform, which ever country you are in. Thank them for their service and sacrifice when you get the chance.

And if any politician doesn't stand behind our troops tell them to stand in front of them.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

One world is enough.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 01:17
Well put Animal.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 02:25
by sockii
Animal for president!

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 05:31
by empty
I don't agree or support our current President.

I wouldn't say f*ck the pres though- and I do support the efforts the troops make.Whether I agree with why they are there or not, their lives are on the line and they are doing the job they were sent for.

I do understand the non-Americans viewpoint- having lived overseas a lot this past 7 years, it has definitely not been some of our proudest moments. And I do prety much blame that on Bush- basically, most/many get painted with one brush for being American. It doesn't matter is many think our troops should come home now.

I think all the members here are creative, passionate and intelligent people- and I respect all of their opinions, and am sure they have come up with them after careful consideration.

Oh, except daweasel of course....

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 05:55
by phaty
Oh the next thread that I caused ... !
I am a German - half french - I am supposed to hate your president!
I only said I don't enter the US as long as Mr. B is in office - when I said fuck Bush I come anyway to meet Weasel I meant I don't let a President hold me back from entering the wonderful US of A. Thinking about it now I'd say: nope I stick to the original plan.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 05:58
by georgygirl
One thing I have to say here is:

I like the way Felipe Calderón is president of México.


PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 06:10
by Divemistress of the Dark
We try to stay away from it. Every now and then the subject comes up, but since reasonable people can disagree on these issues (and because most of us hang out here for fun, not to have our collective blood pressures raised), it's not something we've tended to focus on.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 06:13
[quote="mtobinjones"]I don't agree or support our current President.

I wouldn't say f*ck the pres though- and I do support the efforts the troops make.Whether I agree with why they are there or not, their lives are on the line and they are doing the job they were sent for.

I do understand the non-Americans viewpoint- having lived overseas a lot this past 7 years, it has definitely not been some of our proudest moments. And I do prety much blame that on Bush- basically, most/many get painted with one brush for being American. It doesn't matter is many think our troops should come home now.

I think all the members here are creative, passionate and intelligent people- and I respect all of their opinions, and am sure they have come up with them after careful consideration.

This is the kind of comment I can live with it. It's the over passionate, flying off the handle stuff I get upset with. I do take more offense when it's from overseas than here because when a tradgedy strikes in a foreign land, theU.S. are usually first to offer help then people have the gaul to insult the President. No overseas help comes with out his approval. Please understand what bothers me is not the insults and hatred directed at Bush but I take it as an insult to the office of the President. I just never seem to see Americans on these forums taking shots at leaders of other great nations. I would feel very uneasy taking shots at Tony Blair or other leaders.

Oh, except daweasel of course....

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 06:40
by phaty
Oh be my guest - feel free to insult my President - and for sure the French - anytime!
I fuck yours you fuck mine ... ! And we all fuck weasel ...

Did someone write "the U.S. are usually first to offer help" - I know this forum is full of funny people.

In the Gong we trust


PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 07:04
[quote="phaty"]Oh be my guest - feel free to insult my President - and for sure the French - anytime!
I fuck yours you fuck mine ... ! And we all fuck weasel ...

Did someone write "the U.S. are usually first to offer help" - I know this forum is full of funny people.

In the Gong we trust


Phaty, I'm gonna take the high road on this and let this go. I would have no idea why I would want to insult your President. Obviously you have no reguard for your leadership but that's your business. I pray Germany stays safe and never needs our help but you are kidding yourself if you think the U.S. wouldn't be one of the first in line to help out. As for the French, I understand they have a new leader who is pretty conservative but I know very little about him. So how can I insult someone I know nothing about.

So if you feel the need to say negative things about Bush and the U.S. you won't hear from me anymore. I've had my say.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 07:28
by Mrs. Gradenko
Anyone who needs it should be able to get a morning after pill, without parental permission!

The right to choose, obviously.

Gay marriage/ adoption.

Immigration? I just want them to learn to speak English (the ones around here don't bother), besides that I don't care.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 08:52
by Hannaha
Just in case anyone was wondering, the new British Prime Minister is Gordon Brown. We have yet to see how he will will turn out. He is the leader of what *used* to be the left wing party over here but which is now pretty much dead centre, if not a little right wing at times IMHO.

Just in case anyone was interested...

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 08:53
by Hannaha
[quote="phaty"]Oh be my guest - feel free to insult my President - and for sure the French - anytime!
I fuck yours you fuck mine ... ! And we all fuck weasel ...

Did someone write "the U.S. are usually first to offer help" - I know this forum is full of funny people.

In the Gong we trust


Phaty - you are more than welcome to fuck my leader anytime the fancy takes you.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2007 08:57
by Hannaha
Biting my tongue as regards Rwanda, Sudan, Zimbabwe and all the other African nations who received no help from ANY of our governments.