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PostPosted: 19 Jun 2007 13:23
by cpriddims
(I added this to my original thread on Roo, but I decided to also put it here since it was so far down in the original thread)

I forgot a few details on the show..

1. Sting actually sang "All we can offer them is a page from some F**king magazine" on Driven.

2. When they came back out for the encore, Stew ran to Sting's mic and said, "Hey people of Bonnaroo, Sting's going to get naked and walk amongst all of you!" The crowd cheered, then Stew sat down with Sting's bass and played his version of 'mission impossible' on the bass (badly) while Sting took his shirt off. (unfortunately this gave us all the impression that there was at least 30 to 45 minutes left in the set (which there wasn't! Sting used to mean business when he took his shirt off!)

3. Sting made a funny comment on the mic that Stewart was "Confused" about something. It was not serious or mean. It was funny.

Related incidents:

1. At the govt mule show (where John Paul Jones sat in on bass for a zep tune then played the organ and keys on 'No Quarter') the lead guitarist/vocalist breaks into the intro to 'Message' then stops suddenly and says "Just kidding!" That was funny, especially at 2am and little sleep.

2. The Roots did Roxanne (as their closer I think) but I freakin missed it because I left and went to the Mano (last name brazilian I think) show which was a very cool big band party atmosphere show.

Not related but good anyway:

1. Saturday JPJ got on stage and played 'Dazed & Confused' with Ben Harper and the crowd went crazy. This was when I was waiting in the backstage area for The Police to arrive so I didn't see it but I heard it.

2. Govt Mule's Saturday night 1am to 3am set was incredible and I had no previous idea how good they were live. I mean they were amazingly talented and performed so strongly. They had JPJ and Hot Tuna guys sit in, then towards the end they played Black Sabbath's 'Sweet Leaf.' The place was going crazy! I am telling you this was the best show I saw second ONLY to The Police. I HAVE to get the govt mule roo show on mp3 or cd SOON! You guys should check it out. wow

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2007 15:00
by cpriddims

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2007 15:33
by Philip
are you drinking water?