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Seattle shows - anyone record?
08 Jun 2007 14:18
by New Zealand Promoter
...did anyone record the seattle gigs....?
08 Jun 2007 23:40
by New Zealand Promoter
08 Jun 2007 23:53
by sockii
If I hear anything I'll let you know.
The Edmonton show just made it to Dimeadozen... mp3 download links should be available soon...
08 Jun 2007 23:57
by matthewstr
Ooh! Keep us posted on any non-dime links to Edmonton and Seattle (never been able to get a login for dime). So far I only have Vancouver and judging from youtube they have gotten a lot better since then!
09 Jun 2007 00:02
by sockii
I will--I'm pretty sure someone's already lined up to convert for non-Dime folks, and I'll pass along a link as soon as I have it (I seem to have trouble zipping large files like that myself, but I can put up a track-by-track download later, too...)
09 Jun 2007 00:11
by New Zealand Promoter
i know what you mean about trying to get an acct at dime - just keep trying! i sat at my computer for an hour on two nights in a row - and on the second night, i managed to sign up
09 Jun 2007 00:27
by MessageinVancouver7
I am downloading it and will convert it, I can post a link here
as long as i am allowed
09 Jun 2007 16:40
by New Zealand Promoter
..but don't forget, i started this thread to see if anyone recorded SEATTLE.....
09 Jun 2007 20:16
by MessageinVancouver7
Someone said on Dime that they recorded the second night of the Seattle show
but ntohing about if they will post it or not
10 Jun 2007 00:43
by New Zealand Promoter
[quote="MessageinVancouver7"]Someone said on Dime that they recorded the second night of the Seattle show
but ntohing about if they will post it or not[/quote]
ok - do you remember where that was posted?
11 Jun 2007 02:05
Hi tj7!
it´s in the 6th page of the comments of the Edmonton concert. This is what he says:
I taped the 2nd night from the nosebleeds using Sonic Studios DSM-6S/L > PA-6LC2 > iriver iHP-120 (Rockboxed). It came out okay considering my location.
But nothing about uploading it latter unfortunatly.
11 Jun 2007 02:34
by New Zealand Promoter
[quote="JMRL"]Hi tj7!
it´s in the 6th page of the comments of the Edmonton concert. This is what he says:
I taped the 2nd night from the nosebleeds using Sonic Studios DSM-6S/L > PA-6LC2 > iriver iHP-120 (Rockboxed). It came out okay considering my location.
But nothing about uploading it latter unfortunatly.[/quote]
thanks! yeah i found this, he wrote that comment in reply to one of mine.... cheers