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Police and Copeland Bashers please leave our forum!!!!!

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007 06:11
by dontboxmein
We were fine before you and will be fine without you!!!!!

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007 14:41
by Wait and See
Bashers? Who?

Stewart Copeland is the best rock drummer ever, period. The Police are on of the best bands ever. That's why people's expectations are so high. For the most part they've met them already. I haven't seen anyone say they suck. There are many who think their show has been a little on the mellow side, though.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007 16:08
by razorboy
it amazes me how much some fans want to squelch the opinions of anyone who thinks the band isn't walking on water right now. no one is hating on our boys... expectations are incredibly high, and the band are the reason for that. the band opened up the door to the world comparing them to their former selves when they reformed... they didn't have to do it, but they did, and i'm grateful.

at the same time, they have to live up to or exceed those expectations... i expect them to because they can... they're that good. otherwise, why bother? they're clever and full of ego... they know they can be better, and i'm sure things will tighten up (and hopefully speed up) a little. they have 4 full days between edmonton and seattle, and i'll bet there will be a lot of rehearsal and tweaking.

people post concerns and opinions because they care... this is a massive event in the lives of long-time police fans, and 23 years creates a lot of expectation. i'll be seeing them three times in a week in july, and i can't wait. my excitement won't keep me from being constructively critical.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007 18:54
by howardhughes
........dont get me started......hee hee.


PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007 19:29
by aceface
[quote="Wait and See"]Bashers? Who?[/quote]
Perhaps he is referring to this basher: ... php?t=2809


PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007 22:32
by dontboxmein
Bashing does not have to be harsh it's still bashing "you need to be the way I want you to be" I want the music to sound like how i remembered it".

The bpm's are all wrong.

Sting needs to play with a pick.

Andy needs his telecaster back.

Nay that's not bashing is it people.

Go listen to your records and you can travel down memory lane as long as you want.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 01:37
by Duke
Lighten up Francis.

There's these things call 'opinions'. And, amazingly enough folks like to have 'opinions'. And, now listen close cause this is gonna freak you out man - sometimes people like to voice these 'opinions'. It's really is the wave of the future. You should look into it.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 08:06
by New Zealand Promoter
yeah, ditto that.
'dontboxmein', you're in for a surprise here. constructive criticism such as the examples you presented are actually representations of a principle known as 'free speech'. it's not even the 'bashing' type of free speech which leads to riots. if someone thinks sting needs to use a pick and has reason for thinking that, then i'm interested in hearing the argument.

take your despot-like tyranny elsewhere, friend!

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 08:15
by Philip
dontboxmein, what is a "basher" ? Sorry for my poor english.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 08:25
by Philip
By the way: Someone must be fighting. No ? It is part of the Police. If Sting, Andy and Stew are too old for arguing nowadays, let us be critic, if needed. I’m not a huge specialist, and I rather loose money than I urn some by posting something here, but, we waited 23 years. If all you aspect is the past sound of the 80’s, then I completely disagree with you. I would really prefer them to do a complete concert with renaissance instruments (such as lute), rather than searching to fit the recorded version. As someone said : just turn on your CD player… “Same one you've had for years”.

let it live

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 13:18
by visions
yes everyone has an opinion and freedom of speech but look what the media did to Stewart.

I think I know where don'tboxmein is coming from.

He might feel there is lot nick picking as we Aussie's say, but I gather there is a lot of musicians on this site and sees what Stewart see, but someone like me who is not like that doesn't really care and I am not putting anyone down, but I have waited twenty three years for this and it's a dream come true, like I feel it is for most of you here.

When you read all these comments it's like a bunch of critics at the movies or something. I have no time for critics because they are bias for they have there own likes and dislikes and I do not care what they have to say. I am also a huge movie buff. Love my movies and I take no notice of critics because they have no idea sometimes what the public really like.

I love the new stuff the Police are trying so I am not stuck in the eighties either also will say when I do not like something. I have not heard a concert as yet so I can not comment.

Maybe I am saying lets keep it nice and don't get hot under the collar however as I said before I will defend Stewart to my last breath and to be honest I don't recall one bad comment against Stewart.

He is the greatest drummer and who would disagree against Sting?

Well in this comment anyway?

Not me.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 13:48
by New Zealand Promoter
[quote="visions"]yes everyone has an opinion and freedom of speech but look what the media did to Stewart.

I think I know where don'tboxmein is coming from.

He might feel there is lot nick picking as we Aussie's say, but I gather there is a lot of musicians on this site and sees what Stewart see, but someone like me who is not like that doesn't really care and I am not putting anyone down, but I have waited twenty three years for this and it's a dream come true, like I feel it is for most of you here. [/quote]

well that's probably right. but dontboxmein has gone one step too far by categorising constructive criticism (see his notes above - he is NOT referring to the ridiculous media bashing re: stewart's article, but to comments made by users at this forum)... by categorising it as "bashing", and then TELLING those people to leave the forum. that's not cool.

those of us who 'nitpick' are *not* making posts stating 'all you blindly adoring fans who can't see any flaws in the new shows, go home, we don't want you'. and that makes all the difference. who cares if there are nitpickers? personally i dislike the solo sting arrangements of some songs and wish he would use a pick more, but i'm thrilled about the reunion anyway. it's great - and it will get better as it goes along!

live and let live - constructive criticism at this forum is nothing like the media response to stewart's article, and it is not 'bashing'.


PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 14:55
by DirtyMartini
Most of the folks on this board are WAY too geekified to be bashers. (Bashers don't count BPM and measure key changes, etc.) Big difference between bashing and constructive criticism.

But regardless, keep in mind that deciding what flies on the board is GIO's territory, folks. And from what I've experienced, he has established a fairly obvious policy of RESPECT for one another. Gio gives us A LOT of latitude that most boards don't have; as long as people are respectful in their comments and criticisms, then everyone gets to argue (or disregard) as much as they want. It's up to us to be responsible for respecting that guideline.

In other words, just don't be dickheads to each other please.

And if anyone ever needs help self-policing (no pun intended), think of it this way: if you wouldn't have the guts to say it to Stewart's face, then don't say it. Simple as that.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 16:20
by Divemistress of the Dark
Well said, Dirty.

This issue is also playing out in all its messy glory over at TPT. "Constructive criticism" vs. "blind adoration"...

I'm down with people's comments, but I also feel folks should be respectful. This is Stewart's website, which means he's our host, and all the guys collectively work their asses off for their fans. The band has put a lot of effort into the stage show by all accounts...Ultimately they're going to do what they're going to do. That said, I'm sure it'd be impossible to see one of the shows and come away with no opinions whatsoever, especially if you love the band and want to see them at the top of their game.

My own $.02 is, let's give things some more time...We're still only a few shows into the tour. There are bound to be some kinks left to work out.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007 17:41
by blueboy
From what I've seen, Stewart actually reads (and considers) what people write here. Look at where the title of his movie came from for example.

If I was in his position, I would love to have a resource like this to get feedback from. There is actually some intelligent and coherent conversation going on, and the signal to noise ratio is still pretty high.

Who else are you going to listen to for some honest feedback? Music critics looking for a scoop? People on the Police payroll? Klingons (or cling-ons)?

The fact that people are Stewart and Police fans is pretty much a given if you are on this site. I don't see any bashers. Maybe a few Klingons...but no bashers. :)

I like to read totally positive reviews as well, but it would be kind of boring around here if everyone did nothing but heap praise on them no matter what they did. What if Stewart and Andy just accepted everything Sting ever brought to them and just told him how great he is all the time without challenging him? Hmmm....I bet it would sound something like solo Sting, and less like The Police. Sting is great, but he is even better when challenged by opposing viewpoints. This kind of "drama" is what makes life (and music) interesting.

To some people, the glass is always half empty, and others half full. On Stewart's forum, people actually get out the measuring tapes to see if it actually is "exactly" half full or empty, and if not...discuss what should be done about it to fix the problem.

While I think people can easily go over the top with this approach, I kind of like it. I don't always agree with some of the opinions people have, but I still enjoy reading them.