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PostPosted: 11 May 2007 18:58
by Philip
hi gio, what are you working on at the moment ? Possible to here some rushs or any sound ? Is Lapilli still ok ? and thanks for finding time for running this site.

I'm very happy

PostPosted: 11 May 2007 19:06
by giovanni
I can tell you i'm so f***ing happy with the tracks I'm working at with my band; our song are in italian now (we keep the english versions for future plans if there will be a way to release them as well) and we are very happy about them.
The project still rock, we're passing all the paths to the release (September? October?); we've decided the first single and we're very happy with it. More songs are coming along...let's see what the future brings...nothing is certain in life...but we do strongly believe in what we are working at.

Thanks for asking.


PostPosted: 11 May 2007 23:54
by Divemistress of the Dark
Are there sound files posted anywhere??

PostPosted: 12 May 2007 01:47
by mardee
Yeah, I'm with DM on this one, I'd love to take a listen.

PostPosted: 12 May 2007 16:34
by crisalvini
Yes Gio, where can we listen to you and your band? :wink:


PostPosted: 12 May 2007 16:38
by giovanni
Thanks for your interest my friends!
By now nothing is uploaded anywhere on the net; as soon as something can be given away you will be the first to know (as you are my third family)

first - my real family
second - my band + friends
third - all of you (including of course Stewart...ehehe)

ahhhh....I have a fantastic pic of me and Stewart family taken some years ago....I don't feel like posting it but it's such a candid shot that if you like, I can send it to you. E-mail privately.

PostPosted: 12 May 2007 23:39
by Midori
>we do strongly believe in what we are working at

Great. I have not listended to a rock'n'roll in Italian, so am looking
forward to hear....
Now you are a happy busy (by your own band and off course The Police) man, aren't you?

PS. By the way, I remember what Stewart said to praise fans like us .....

""It is NOT ordinary people who sit on in front of their PC at 10am and keep clicking the sites for The Police tickes.....""
He said somethig like this on the greeting for Everyones Stares in Japan.
All of us are NOT ordinary people!! :lol:

PostPosted: 15 May 2007 14:58
by Philip
mardee, nice picture

PostPosted: 15 May 2007 15:04
by kimmy
Giovanni don't be shy now...........

We all want to see the photo don't we?

You know that as your third family then it's only fair...



PostPosted: 15 May 2007 15:09
by kimmy
Hey Giovanni!

We have a guy in one of the departments at work who I speak to often called Giovanni..... He has a lovely heavy Italian accent. Makes me think of you when he calls....... He's lived in England for years now, but I'll have to find out where he originates from.




PostPosted: 15 May 2007 21:33
by giovanni
Giovanni is one of the most used names in Italy (like John).
And I love my name....I wanted to call my dog Giovanni as well!

PostPosted: 15 May 2007 21:43
by mardee
Thanks Philip. :wink: I love Sting's expression, he looks as excited as, I'm sure, many of us, here on the boards, are. :D

Giovanni, wouldn't that be confusing, from a third person viewpoint, to call your dog the same name as you? (But I still think that would be awesome!) 8)

I'm sure

PostPosted: 16 May 2007 23:09
by giovanni
I'm sure it's easier to make a confusion between me and the dog, sometimes people don't know who's who.

PostPosted: 17 May 2007 00:37
by mardee
That better be one adorable dog. Got pics?