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Um, Greatest Hits DVD is out???

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2007 20:09
by Divemistress of the Dark
Hey folks, there's a link from Miguel about a new Greatest Hits vid from our boys that's apparently out now.

I clicked it, and darned if the page doesn't say "available now"! And I love the cover art.

(I started to mail order from the UK, and then it occurred to me this thing might be on every video shelf in London...anyone seen it?)

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2007 20:13
by DirtyMartini
Is it the one with the black and white cover? (Ace linked to a pic in the TPT thread.) I wasn't sure if it was truly for real or not since I'd have thought TPT would be advertising it like crazy.

(Also, be aware that if it IS for real, it's a Region 2 disc.)

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2007 20:16
by Divemistress of the Dark
Apparently so. I wonder if this outfit isn't selling copies before its official sanction by the Powers that Be in the legal department.

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2007 21:19
by Spec A!
Sure it's not just a rehash of ... 82&sr=1-12 minus the extras?

Track list appeared the same to me at a glance.