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Stewarts new kit

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 01:35
by JL
Will 'Fuck Off You Cunt' grace your drums for this tour? That would be a cool 'dinner tale' to get the story behind that sometime. Anyone else know?

And since you're not busy :wink: getting ready to conquer the world (again), how about authoring an instrutional video or book on your technique? If Neil Peart can publish them ad nauseum, surely there's a market for you. In lieu of that, I'd be happy if you just explained the intro to Murder by Numbers. Is that a quick 3/4 or slower 2/4? And does the time change right before the vocals start?

Best Regards,

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 03:23
by Spec A!
It's 12/8. The snare/rim shots are on 12 beats (1/8th notes), the bass drum are 1/2 beats (4 in a measure). The chorus is 6/8. At least that's how I've always counted it, I could be wrong!

I'm am so for a Stewart instructional video just for the sole fact that it would be a video just of him playing. Plus I'm sure his wit would be very much infused.

Do it Stewart! Do it! You know you want to......

Re: Stewarts new kit

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 04:56
by Laz
Will 'Fuck Off You Cunt' grace your drums for this tour? That would be a cool 'dinner tale' to get the story behind that sometime. Anyone else know?

Probably more like "Come 'ere you big lug!" sharpied on his drumheads this time around... :wink:
Needless to say, I'd be all for a Copeland book or video...

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 05:37
by georgygirl
I vote for an instructional drums technique book, by KK/SC ...


PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 05:38
by georgygirl
With a DVD too, like his old drums clinic...

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 06:09
by blueboy
Stewart's new set will have a "new" tom tom for this tour...

..ironically it will have "old" written on it.

I leave it to you to figure out where it's going to fit in. 8)

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2007 12:22
by animal

that is so funny.