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Forum technical question...Eugenio? Help?

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007 14:00
by sockii
I'm sure you guys on the staff are totally swamped right now so I hate to ask, I but just has a technical question for you all.

My sweetie has been trying to register here to join up since Monday and hasn't received his activation approval yet so he can post. Is that normal for it to take a few days (or is everything just backed up?) His username is "vespapod".

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007 14:13
by Philip
other suggestion to u eugenio and giovanni :
sorry if it's the german part of my gens who is speaking, but i get completely confused with all the mix in the topics. Isn't it better to never change their order in the list : the latest topic allways on top ? just a suggestion. it doesn't need an answer.

Gio, i've heard you on the radio, thru the internet site of the station... and discovered : i have to practice my italian


PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007 14:24
by giovanni
Hi there from Giovanni.
Yes, it's normal to wait a few days, but don't worry, everybody do get in, but the ones we see are not fans, such as website automatic takes some time to check them all and be sure we give the ok to the right ones.

Thanks for listening Philipp, we enjoyed a lot and I hope you liked what I brought.

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2007 14:25
by sockii
That's cool - that's why I figured I'd mention something too so you knew it wasn't a spam account. I'm sure you're getting tons of those to weed through at the moment.

Thanks! :D

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007 04:39
by Kim
Ah, well when he is registered he has to tell us his Grendel's Lair story. :wink:

I still think yours is better. :D

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007 05:35
by isfahani
I guess I got accepted, cause I got tired of waiting (sorry) and just logged in, but I got no notification...

PS: Why don't the [b][/b] and [i][/i] tag wraps work?