by Mrs. Gradenko on 06 Feb 2007 06:12
>Are The Police getting back together?
Well nothing is official but we're all sure it will happen.... but that dosen't mean it will.
>How many concerts are they playing?
It's not even official that there is a reunion.
>It won't last long because Sting dosen't get allong with Stewart and Andy?
He is a bit of an ass, but they get along well enough.... now.
>stewart is koolist musician of all times he rules
Well, I won't argue.
>on any other day by the police is a kool song. IT GOES I BURNED THE SCRAMBLED EGGS.
It's one of my top favorites too, they just have to play it.
But no locking down caps lock ok? It's like yelling, and is harder to read.
And Welcome!
“...and er, did anyone try just pushing this little red button?”