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POLICE FANS meeting to chat at MSN!

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007 03:46
by Jose
All the recents news acelerate our hearth beats... lot of you desperately are hungry to eat mre news and stories about our heros and perhaps to planing a meeting in some concerts the Fab3Blonds will do overseas.

So, Why not to chat?

I know some of you posted their emails at the memberlist...

Why not meeting us to chat about THE POLICE on MSN?

All who runs msn chat 8.0 could chat with people from Yahoo and AOL?

If you desire post your emails to chat!

Mine is:

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007 20:16
by sockii
I'm not so keen on MSN chat stuff, but what of the possibility of installing a chat client here at Since it's such a hub of activity for us folks these days anyway.... :wink:

I'd also say some kind of organized chat days (if not times) would be good since otherwise it's hard to know who might be around and when...on another group I belong to, for instance, we have two organized chat days a month (one on a Saturday, one on a Sunday, two weeks apart) and it works great because a lot of folks make a point to stop in at least for an hour or two on those days.

I have a feeling we'll have a LOT to talk about in coming it might be cool...but just suggestion to Gio and Eugenio to chew over!

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007 20:36
by bella
I second that sockii.

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007 21:07
by Jose
Sockii your idea is good, but waiting for it ...why not to use what exists on the net?

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2007 05:03
by Mrs. Gradenko
If Stewart shows up... I'll be there!