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Fellow SC Nutter Masayo

PostPosted: 26 Aug 2021 22:47
by 63falcon
Hello Fellow Nutters:
Many of you participated in the old Nuttermas Card Exchange for several Christmases-oops! Nuttermases, and may remember Masayo, one of our Fellow Fans in Japan. Abt a week ago, she posted on Facebook that her father, who was elderly and had contracted Covid, had passed from it. They are in Tokyo area, and no one had been allowed in to be with him. So, Blessings, Masayo and family.
Thnx folks.

Re: Fellow SC Nutter Masayo

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2021 18:00
by ManWithGoodTaste
I lost my uncle, who had a serious chronic condition and refused to treat it. Covid was the straw that broke his back.

He wasn't the best man in the world and I'll leave it at that, but still I understand the sorrow.

Re: Fellow SC Nutter Masayo

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2021 21:53
by ltwoman
Peace to you all and especially those who have lost someone from this dreadful virus, as well as those who have been impacted by it otherwise ( and, yes, we all are living through a pandemic, but many have had it or loved someone who survived it…)

Re: Fellow SC Nutter Masayo

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2021 21:07
by giovanni
A big hug to Masayo from all of us at