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The most daring and correct The Police decision ever!

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2020 11:06
by ManWithGoodTaste
I have given it both a lot of time and a lot of thought.

I have faced the truth that my heart has been telling me. I am no longer in denial.

No Time This Time just does not feel right on Reggatta, so I took it out and added as track 11 to my Outlandos playlist. All feels right now.

Re: The most daring and correct The Police decision ever!

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2020 15:48
by TheEqualizer
Never thought of that. You may be correct.

Re: The most daring and correct The Police decision ever!

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2020 15:45
by ManWithGoodTaste
Try it, your soul will like it!

Re: The most daring and correct The Police decision ever!

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2020 00:03
by Howstupidmrbates
Great idea. No Time always did seem so last minute to me, like it was just tacked on to fill out the side. One of my favorites!

Re: The most daring and correct The Police decision ever!

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2020 11:57
by ManWithGoodTaste
Well, tEchNIcaLlY, it was excluded from Outlandos and put out as a b-side (cause you need them original b-sides).

Re: The most daring and correct The Police decision ever!

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2020 19:23
by giovanni
Sure, that was already considered for Outlandos.