Probably not the articles Mike above is referring to, but a couple of related fanboy sightings of Tim Butler in Liberty, KY: ... rack-obama ... in-bfe-ky/I'm both delighted and surprised to report that the Furs were really,
really good. I didn't really know what to expect and expected to not expect all that much, but the band was incredibly solid, and Richard Butler commits to every word he's singing, yet still manages to retain a bit of modesty within all the gestures and posing. In between songs he kept on bouncing: I wanted to bottle him up!
If anyone ever gets the opportunity, the ArtsQuest venue in Bethlehem, PA, also turns out to be really good: intimate but not tight; good, clear sound, but no earplugs needed; killer industrial backdrop. Skip the mixed drinks, though: them thar be well water.
Great company, great space, great performance = great night.
Dramatic highlights & a unique musical cosmos. Guaranteed.