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AndyS to Record Soon

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2012 22:45
by 63falcon
The folks on the Andy Summer FB page have already reported this and gottne excited (Sebastien and Jose I believe were the newsbreakers, thanx!). Andy Summers will recording an album of music w/ a South American singer named Fernanda Takai. From what, I think it was Jose who knew this, I read, at least some of the compositions if not all have been written w/ Fernanda's voice specifically in mind. Cool! All this great new music by The Guys (2 out of 3, ok the Back on Bass Tour counts too!) happening during this time, just great!
I believe someone also posted some audio links for Fernanda too, but I tend to zoom thru FB, I use to make sure all my friends/folks are doing well, and zoom out......

Re: AndyS to Record Soon

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2012 22:49
by Divemistress of the Dark
Thanks! Awesome news!!

Re: AndyS to Record Soon

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2012 19:47
by njperry
Very exciting.

Re: AndyS to Record Soon

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2012 04:46
by Jose
Yes it was published on the news 6 days later... Andy Summers met Fernada Takai ( a great voice and singer of Brazil) during the recording of DVD "UK Kingdom of Ipanema" (Roberto Menescal introduce Fernada to Andy and she performed some on the documentary). Then two years after, Andy Summers invited Fernanda Takai to Los Angeles for recording some tracks with his compositions thinking on Takai's voice (a mixing of Bossa Nova and Pop) the result was Andy tried to produced and entire album with all his compositions with Fernada Takai at voice, Marcos Suzano (percussion), Abraham Laboriel Senior (bass)and Andy Summers on guitar. It will be recorded at Andy's studios in Santa Monica - California. The album will be launched at the first semester by "DECK", on Brazil, Japan, USA and some European countries. 8)

Source: ... -e-summers

To heard her amazing voice and watch her appeal watch this video:

PD: Perhaps "Mario" will help us in the translation of the article (I dont understand exactly the date of launch of the says on portuguese "O álbum será lançado no final do primeiro semestre" (What month?)