[quote="giovanni"]>at least they didn't say Alexandria Egypt, which is where some on-line sources state was his birthplace.
THAT would be amazing, as it's were my mother was born, Alexandria (Egypt). I cold have something in common with The Maestro![/quote]
While you don't have that in common with Stewart since he was born in Alexandria Virginia USA, there are many on-line sources that give his place of birth as Alexandria, Egypt, such as these:
http://www.angelfire.com/mac/keepitlive ... peland.htmhttp://www.freedrumlessons.com/drummers ... peland.phpAnd many more if you search Stewart Copeland Alexandria Egypt.
So, Gio, you can visit online and feel that link, albeit based on incorrect information.
Stewart moved to Egypt as a baby, but to Cairo rather than Alexandria, but he, unlike his brothers, was born in the U.S., as shown by the bio of Stewart right here on this site:
http://www.stewartcopeland.net/bio/bio08.html[quote]Stewart Copeland was born on July 16, 1952, in Alexandria, Virginia, in the United States[/quote]