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LT Woman's Father Passing

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011 12:19
by kmart

I think I speak for all the nutters when I say that we mourn with you the passing of your father. Though I cannot imagine the loss you must be feeling now, I hope that others around you are helping you through this difficult time. I lost my Dad 12 years ago. I still dream of him. If there is anything I can do, let me know.

You spoke once of a "Rainbow bridge" awaiting us and our pets to help console someone else (I think it was Giovanni) who had l;ost a beloved dog. I truly believe there is something to that and something similar happens with our loved ones.


Re: LT Woman's Father Passing

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011 16:41
by ltwoman
kmart wrote:Laura,

I think I speak for all the nutters when I say that we mourn with you the passing of your father. Though I cannot imagine the loss you must be feeling now, I hope that others around you are helping you through this difficult time. I lost my Dad 12 years ago. I still dream of him. If there is anything I can do, let me know.

You spoke once of a "Rainbow bridge" awaiting us and our pets to help console someone else (I think it was Giovanni) who had l;ost a beloved dog. I truly believe there is something to that and something similar happens with our loved ones.


NO, THIS IS WRONG. Alhtough my Dad would have been 99 yesterday, he died in 1994! I think you misread the thread for Police in the East. It was willlgbr's Dad...