That new CIA movie...

That new CIA movie...

Postby tigress on 18 Dec 2006 23:45

That new movie starring Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, and Robert DeNiro called "The Good Shepherd" is about the beginning of the CIA. As we all know Stewart's dad was a member. Apparently no one is playing the role of Miles Copeland Sr. though as is evidenced by the credits in the link below:

I thought he was supposed to have been one of the founders of the CIA. Am I wrong? It seems like he would have been represented in the movie in some way, if he was.

Or is this movie not based on any true people or accounts? Maybe it's just fictional - I don't know.
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Postby sockii on 19 Dec 2006 00:27

From what I've read here & there about it so far, the characters in the film are largely based on real people, but names are changed (and several individuals perhaps combined into single characters.)

I'm curious to see it, though, however much is fictionalized or not...
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Postby conroy on 19 Dec 2006 00:50

I am watching a whole hour long interview with Matt Damon, Robert DeNiro and a former CIA agent with MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews (one of my must-see tv shows every evening) and they are discussing this movie. It is pretty common for Hollywood to take liberties and do things like merge one or more people into one character in a movie.
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 19 Dec 2006 02:02

We were talking about this flick here on the board recently, and I came to the conclusion that whomever didn't book Stewart to do the music for this film was just not using the ol' noggin.

What a coup that would have been. I'm dying to hear what Stewart and Miles think of the movie.
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Postby conroy on 20 Dec 2006 00:33

I just saw a commercial for this movie, the kind where they show quotes from "critics" lauding the movie. They showed like 3 quotes, all of them from noted "critic" Larry King. If that is any indication, I don't I'll be rushing out to watch this one.
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Postby tigress on 20 Dec 2006 23:26

Davemistress of the Dark,
What is the name of the thread in which you guys were discussing this movie? I want to read what everyone said. Thanks!
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 20 Dec 2006 23:40

"Davemistress." I like it. Would that my husband's name were Dave...

The original thread was more modest than I remembered, but it had some good thoughts from conroy... ... php?t=1152
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Postby tigress on 20 Dec 2006 23:55

Oops, sorry DIVEmistress. :oops: I always read your name too fast. Thanks for the link!
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 21 Dec 2006 05:21

Dive, are we now allowed to call you Davey?
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