

Postby Wombat on 10 Dec 2006 10:50

A Slender Cop Twat

I've got two kids and I still find time to do banal things.

Hope you are all doing well and the like

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Postby sockii on 10 Dec 2006 11:55


Good to hear from ya, Wombat! Hope the kids are doing okay.
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Postby Mister Gradenko on 10 Dec 2006 13:45

I just got an apple mac... does anyone know any good websites so I can actually do more with it than just switch it on?
'Life was easy when it was boring.'

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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 10 Dec 2006 16:14

I have a Mac, but websites look pretty much the same as they do on any other PC.

What you want to get are Apple-specific programs like IMovie, IDVD, and Garage Band. Fun stuff.
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Postby conroy on 10 Dec 2006 20:09

iMovie, iDVD, still come with new macs I still believe. Did you get one of those core duo macs, mr. gredenko or is it used? I use Audacity a lot myself. I just got an iMic on clearance last week for $10 so I've been recording stuff of my records that aren't available on CD like Zola-X from the Out of Bounds soundtrack (it's one of my favorite Stewart only tracks). I use Skype on it for making most of my long distance calls and Fire for all-in-one IMing. And i use NeoOffice (the OSX port for OpenOffice) and Abiword as my primary word processers.
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Postby Hannaha on 10 Dec 2006 20:11

Get Photoshop - it rules.

And nice anagram Wombat. Is Twat a rude word outside of Britain?
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 11 Dec 2006 04:50

Yep. Though I admit I've picked up a few choice Brit insults of my own from watching too much BBC. Question for you: can women be tossers?

(Got some good ones from the crew of a dive boat I took out to the Great Barrier Reef, too...y'all, nobody can swear like an Aussie sailor. I gotta tell you.)
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Postby Hannaha on 11 Dec 2006 09:02

Haha! Good question! I guess women can be tossers although I'm not sure I've heard it used. Some good harmless british insults for women include 'moo' (as in "you silly moo") and 'bint'.

Has 'wanker' crossed over? I always remember when Phil Collins was on Miami Vice in the 80's and he used the word 'wanker' and there was this collective sharp intake of breath all over Britain - we figured that the american script writers didn't know how shocking a word it was (at the time!).
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 11 Dec 2006 15:28

It's almost passe´, believe it or not.

From the series finale of the Ricky Gervais version of "The Office"* - an obnoxious guy at a party telling off a really annoying woman:

"Why don't you bugger on home, you dozy cow? If you're so worried about your unborn child. All you did was let some useless tosser blow his beans in your muff."

Much hilarity ensued in our household. You really gotta see the episode to get it, but people around here get called 'dozy cow' a lot. ;)

*There's an American one too, but it's not nearly as funny. I understand Gervais and Merchant are writing the odd episode now and then, though.

(Other miscellany: I did pick up "hoon" and "yabbo" from the Aussies; a trail guide in Alaska this summer taught me some choice Arabic swears...sometimes I think I love to travel not despite, but because of, the colorful linguistic opportunities...;))
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 11 Dec 2006 22:08

More miscellany: I just found out I'm inheriting Hub's sweet dual-processor G5, because he's decided he needs one of the new Mac Pro machines - and he's already ordered it! Oh frabjous day...I really needed a faster machine to do image processing...I also make a lot of DVDs to teach scuba with, and this'll help tremendously. Speaking of, I better quit wagging off here and get to work, as I've got one to make tonight!
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 12 Dec 2006 06:05

[quote]Is Twat a rude word outside of Britain?[/quote]
Isn't it rude in Britain aswell?

Where's Gio been latley?

I have the Curved Air Bran ad (where they're all gathered around a kitchen table) as my wallpaper... and my sis just saw it, "The one at the top looks like a dork."
“...and er, did anyone try just pushing this little red button?”
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Postby Hannaha on 12 Dec 2006 08:57

Oh yes, twat is still rude in the UK - makes me snigger even typing it (childish I know!).

Dive - dual processor G5???!!! I'm so jealous! Blows my crappy knackered old G4 out the water. Although I do get to use nice shiny new G5s at work at least and they DO rule.
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Postby Philip on 12 Dec 2006 10:31

nice to have you back wombat. did you put the adress of your site on the new 'link' section of the forum ? regards
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Postby Wombat on 12 Dec 2006 11:36

Hi Nicole, Hi Philip, Hi Everybody

I'm surprised how many Mac users there are now. They are definitely growing in number. I've just bought one of those 24in widescreen iMacs as it's considerably faster than my old G5. I've even got Windows running on a partition. (yes Conroy, it's sacrilege, I know).

Regards - I'm afraid it is no more. Just couldn't give it the time to keep updating it and it was getting stale. Sad.

Kids are fine. Little Edie is now 18 months old. How time has flown.

My favourite line from The Office is (pub quiz episode):

Gareth: Well, he's thrown a kettle over a pub. What have you ever done?

Sheer class.
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Postby conroy on 12 Dec 2006 19:28

Actually, I think it's a big thumbint-the-nose at MS that you can run Windoze in OSX but can't run OSX in it's bloated OS as efficiently (yet anyway). So it's not sacrilige in my humble opinion. Anyway, I am studying for the A+ exam (I took the Hardware part a few weeks ago which I passed and am taking the Windows part next week) and it makes me detest Windoze even more. At least you know if something gets squirrely in the Windoze partition, your OSX will be safe.
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