Family History: whose your u-ser name?
Posted: 05 Feb 2010 23:54
I have wanted to see a thread about this topic for awhile and I guess I'm going to have to stick my neck out a bit (more than a bit) to get it going.
I am curious about everyone's user names. I read these threads and posts daily and I always wonder what's the back story. Some are obviously related to the Police and/or Stewart. Then others, well, who knows? And if related to the Police/SC, why did you chose that one? why not another? Maybe some of you know the history because you've been here for a wee bit longer than moi, but I'd love to see what pops up in this vein.
So here goes my story (there are two versions). ltwoman (not itwoman). It's been my nickname for 17 years and was given to me by my boyfriend. Its started this way: remember those little pink message slips that some of us used to have to fill out every time a co-worker got a phone call? I always signed mine "LT" because those are my initials. All my co-workers (and friends, and other forum members to me now) were "SF" or "BC" or "RJ". You get the idea.
So here comes the boyfriend (here's where the story varies depending on who's tellng it.) All my little love notes and cards were signed by me, "LT". So he started calling me the "LTWoman". One day he says to me "what does LT stand for?" (he denies this part). Excuse me? How long have we been going out? Now he says of course he knew they were my initials, and that the nickname was really about the Door's "LA Woman" (I can live with that.)
I guess I'll have to put it on my tombstone, because I know people now who only call me LT and I believe they don't even know my real name!
The End.
Epilogue: 63falcon would say it's the Southerner in me that this is a very long tale for a very short story. Family history's run long in the South and so do some user name tales.
I am curious about everyone's user names. I read these threads and posts daily and I always wonder what's the back story. Some are obviously related to the Police and/or Stewart. Then others, well, who knows? And if related to the Police/SC, why did you chose that one? why not another? Maybe some of you know the history because you've been here for a wee bit longer than moi, but I'd love to see what pops up in this vein.
So here goes my story (there are two versions). ltwoman (not itwoman). It's been my nickname for 17 years and was given to me by my boyfriend. Its started this way: remember those little pink message slips that some of us used to have to fill out every time a co-worker got a phone call? I always signed mine "LT" because those are my initials. All my co-workers (and friends, and other forum members to me now) were "SF" or "BC" or "RJ". You get the idea.
So here comes the boyfriend (here's where the story varies depending on who's tellng it.) All my little love notes and cards were signed by me, "LT". So he started calling me the "LTWoman". One day he says to me "what does LT stand for?" (he denies this part). Excuse me? How long have we been going out? Now he says of course he knew they were my initials, and that the nickname was really about the Door's "LA Woman" (I can live with that.)
I guess I'll have to put it on my tombstone, because I know people now who only call me LT and I believe they don't even know my real name!
The End.
Epilogue: 63falcon would say it's the Southerner in me that this is a very long tale for a very short story. Family history's run long in the South and so do some user name tales.