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Help please! Want to send me to Bonnaroo for free?

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 15:42
by sockii
Then go here:

Go to Group 4, and scroll through to the end of that gallery (I'm image #41, but you have to go to the last image, #42, for the link to vote).

I am, of course, "Nicole P.", the last choice on that ballot.

And of course, my pic is of Stew in action from MSG :) (See new avatar)

If I win, I get VIP passes, camping gear, airfare for 2, etc to Bonnaroo.

It's one vote per email address, so go! Vote! Pimp for me, please!

PS: Make sure you respond to the email to verify your vote!

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 16:21
by Dietmar
I voted twice, because I had another / mostly unused/ email address

good luck, then


PostPosted: 01 May 2009 16:31
by sockii
I voted twice, because I had another / mostly unused/ email address

good luck, then


Thanks mate!

And all nefarious use of multiple email accounts is greatly appreciated (and encouraged! ;)

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 16:32
by 63falcon
Ok, Sockii, I did my part :wink: ! Good luck!

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 17:09
by IndyGirl
Voted, good luck!

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 18:13
by henderson7
Voted,Good luck

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 19:06
by Chatchka
I voted with both email addresses. That's two more.

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 21:57
by TheEqualizer
Voted twice. Hope you win. :D

PostPosted: 01 May 2009 22:09
by Lynne
[quote="Chatchka"]I voted with both email addresses. That's two more.[/quote]

Me too!

PostPosted: 02 May 2009 00:39
by sixteenlaps
voted, good luck sockii!

PostPosted: 02 May 2009 02:36
by luddite lady
I voted and I'll get my kiddlings to do the same tomorrow. Dancerina has something like 4 e-mail addresses.

PostPosted: 02 May 2009 02:46
by sockii
Thanks folks - I don't know if I have any chance in hell, someone in my same letter group already has over 300 votes compared to my 35, don't ask me how...guess they've got a lot of friends or can fake IP addresses really well...


PostPosted: 02 May 2009 03:41
by Susan
I'm in for a couple of votes too. I'll get my mom to vote too :)

PostPosted: 02 May 2009 13:11
by GinaSuperCat
The SuperCats are marshaling their votes...the open voting thing is always kinda a silly contest of hax but please let's send Sockii to Roo so we can all play together!!

PostPosted: 02 May 2009 13:31
by vespapod
i voted...