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Postby DirtyMartini on 12 Jul 2007 14:14

Con, sit down. Take a breath. Are you okay?
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Postby conroy on 12 Jul 2007 14:20

[quote="DirtyMartini"]Con, sit down. Take a breath. Are you okay?[/quote]

Yeah, I think I've got the problem figured out. I just didn't get much sleep last night because the problems started at 2:00 in the morning so I'm a bit cranky today.
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Postby DirtyMartini on 12 Jul 2007 14:23

Don't worry about it, Con, as long as YOU are okay (health-wise, brain-wise, etc).
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Postby Hannaha on 12 Jul 2007 14:25

Oh poor you. Take it easy today.
And you can be cranky with us - we're family!
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Postby nancyrose on 12 Jul 2007 14:35

Aw, Conroy. I was gonna tease you ("I'm depraved on account of I'm deprived..."), but let's just let that go since you've had a tough night.

I hope it gets better for you!
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 12 Jul 2007 14:57

Poor Conroy. Should we send bonbons? Flowers? Rare Police bootlegs?

On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby Hannaha on 12 Jul 2007 15:14

[quote="Divemistress of the Dark"]Poor Conroy. Should we send bonbons? Flowers? Rare Police bootlegs?


Dive, aren't you meant to be on a bus/plane?!
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 12 Jul 2007 16:27

Heh, we'll ever since Dive posted in the Vancouver countdown thread from that dock on the far edge of civilization as we know it, I'd bet she could manage anything, indeed!

I doubt bonbons would help, but we'll just send all our love and bootlegs Conroy's way...Please take care, sweetie!! <hugs>

On the other hand, my youth probably was indeed depraved...from 11ish upwards <grin>

The first time I encountered Stewart was through early MTV videos, like Spirits, so forth and I adored Stewart right away. I thought the Police were super-cool! My first album from the Police was Synchronicity, I went to the mall with a bunch of change (dad let me have all the change in his vase if I counted it and reported the total...he was shocked how much he threw in there <grin>) and bought a bunch of records and other lil girl things (stickers, outliner pens, barettes). First time I remember going I just spend all my $ on music, drum stuff, concerts, and simplifies everything!

I loved Synchronicity. I suppose it was a strange album for a young kid to like (now thinking about it, with its odd meters, strange subjects, and so on) but I did. I do, hilariously, remember my Stepdad wincing at Mother pretty clearly <grin> I remember staring at that cover for just hours. When the video for Synch II came on I went nuts, I remember always hoping it would come on...I f'in loved the whole post-apocalytic yet primary colors was the HAWTEST in an irrepreducibly 80s way.

I never did see them in concert, for I was too young. A little more than a year after Synchronicity tour ended I snuck out to my first concert (I mean went to the "movies"), age 12, and saw the Cure (Head on the Door tour) with a group of friends from when I lived when I was a lil kid. That was the beginning of the end <grin> I didn't really hear about the Amnesty gig until after it had passed and although I bought GITM shortly after I bought Synchronicity, I didn't really know about the first three albums besides radio hits until 1987/8ish, when a friend of mine who was really into them (crushed at their ambiguous split) was just going on and on about these strangely titled albums and he was a real Andy-freak, so that's how I got into the rest! I remember asking him what his strange Rorshachish shirt was (back of Regatta) and, well, that was that...<grin>

I didn't know about Klark Kent and the Rhythmatist until much later yet, I did like Animal Logic but picked it up before realizing Stewart was on it, but when ESTPIO came out, everything just hit me full force all at was painful, in a way, realizing how crazy I was about the Police in general and Stewart in was kinda bittersweet with a pang of regret...Then the Grammys's and Whisky announcement, well you know where that led me <grin> Pretty brilliant timing!

I feel like I've posted this before, probably a few times, sorry if it's redundant and/or boring...There are some great stories here!!!
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Postby Jennythenipper on 12 Jul 2007 16:33

[quote="dontboxmein"]Mtv= crap

I wish videos never would have been has destroyed the music industry. People make on looks alone today and not talent a dam shame...[/quote]

Yeah well a big part of the Police's success and popularity was based on looks. They were more than happy to be sex symbols. All of that happened in big part because of MTV. And as I said, I never would have fucking heard of them without MTV, because radio was soooo crappy out in the hinterlands.
Thanks to Sockii (you rockii) for awesome Avatar photo!
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Postby Three over Four on 13 Jul 2007 02:32

I was an 11yr old when Synch was all over the radio & MTV, so while I was fully *aware* of the Police, I never got into them properly until 7 or 8 years later. I started playing the drums in 1989 and sucked pretty hard for a couple years or so. It's rather funny looking back at this, but the band I was in through high school was a 3 piece....bass & vocalist, guitarist, and me on the thunder skins! Both of the guys in my band were into the Police, and I can say that from my first listen as a musician I was totally hooked into Stewart's unique style. It wasn't long until I had all their releases on CD and I booted a copy of 'Around the World' from the local video store which I was *forced* to watch every day after school and twice on Sundays.....the church of Stewart was born.

Stewart and The Police (FUCK that Sting & The Police bullshit) have been around ever since, and I really got going on his drumming again about a year ago....picked up Orchestralli and The Night of the Tarantula, and the Stewart bug big again in a big way....then I found this website & forum, and now I have no life as it takes me HOURS to read through all the posts each night. There is no escape.....wuah-ha-ha-haaaa
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